13 papers found searching for papers by "gould" .  Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 1, G-Index: 1
Gould, Basil John and Hugh Edward Richardson. 1943. "Tibetan Word Book." xvi, 447 pp.. H. Milford, Oxford University Press. cite. STATS (1)
Gould, Philip. 1977. "Indonesian Learners' Attitudes Towards Speakers of English." In RELC Journal, 8 , no. 2: . cite. STATS
Gould, Basil John and Hugh Edward Richardson. 1949. "Tibetan Verb Roots." . cite. STATS
Gould, Rosalind. 1940. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 42 , no. 2: 350--353. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Gould, Harold A. 1957. "The Implications of Technological Change For Folk and Scientific Medicine." In American Anthropologist, 59 , no. 3: 507--516. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Gould, Harold A. 1963. "A Comment On the Bennett and Despres-Beidelman Controversy." In American Anthropologist, 65 , no. 3: 663--666. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Gould, Leonard. 1967. "Labeling and Laymen." In American Anthropologist, 69 , no. 1: 89. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Gould, Richard A. 1969. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 71 , no. 3: 565--566. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Varma, Baidya Nath. 1970. "Gould's Review of Contemporary India: A Rejoinder." In American Anthropologist, 72 , no. 2: 468. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Gould, Harold A. 1971. "Jules Henry, 1904-1969." In American Anthropologist, 73 , no. 3: 788--797. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Gould, Richard A. 1972. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 74 , no. 1/2: 189--191. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Gould, Harold S. 1968. "[Untitled]." In The Journal of Asian Studies, 27 , no. 2: 414--416. Association for Asian Studies. cite. STATS
Zenn, Elizabeth Gould. 1948. "The Neuter Plural in Latin Lyric Verse." In Language, 24 , no. 2: 5+7-20. Linguistic Society of America. cite. STATS