14 papers found searching for papers by "herring" .  Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 1, G-Index: 1
Herring, Susan C. 1993. "Functional Stability in Language Change : the Evolution of Tense and Aspect in Tamil." In Studies in language : international journal sponsored by the foundation "Foundations of Language", 17 , no. 2: 313-341. cite. STATS (1)
Herring, Susan C. 1991. "The Grammaticalization Rhetorical Questions in Tamil." In Approaches to grammaticalization. Volume 1: Focus on theoretical and methodological issues, edited by Elizabeth Closs Traugott and Bernd Heine. 253-284. John Benjamins. cite. STATS
Herring, Susan C. 1988. "Aspect As a Discourse Category in Tamil." In Berkeley Linguistics Society: proceedings of the fourteenth annual meeting, February 13-15, 1988. Berkeley, Calif, edited by Shelley Axmaker et al.. 280-292. Berkeley Linguistics Society. cite. STATS
Herring, Susan C. and John C. Paolillo. 1995. "Focus Position in Sov Languages [Sinhala and Tamil]." In Word order in discourse. Amsterdam; Philadelphia, Pa, edited by Pamela Downing and Michael Noonan. 163-198. John Benjamins. cite. STATS
Herring, Susan C. 1993. "Aspectogenesis in South Dravidian: On the Origin of the 'compound Continuative' KONTIRU." In Historical linguistics 1989: papers from the 9th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Rutgers University, 14-18 August 1989. Amsterdam: Philadelphia, Pa, edited by Henk Aertsen and Robert J. Jeffers. 167-185. John Benjamins. cite. STATS
Herring, Susan C. 1989. "Verbless Presentation and the Discourse Basis of Ergativity [in Tamil]." In Chicago Linguistic Society, 25 , no. 2: . cite. STATS
Herring, Susan C. 2000. "Poeticality and Word Order in Old Tamil." In Textual parameters in older languages. Amsterdam; Philadelphia, Pa, edited by Susan C. Herring et al.. 197-236. John Benjamins. cite. STATS
Herring, Herbert. 1994. "Great German Dravidologists." In International journal of Dravidian linguistics, 23 , no. 2: 53-66. cite. STATS
Herring, Susan C. 1994. "Afterthoughts, Antitopics, and Emphasis : the Syntacticization of Postverbal Position in Tamil." In Theoretical perspectives on word order in South Asian languages, edited by Miriam Butt et al.. 119-152. Center for the Study of Language and Information. cite. STATS
Herring, Susan C. 1989. "Aspectogenesis in South Dravidian : On the Origin of the "compound Continuative" KONTIRU." In Papers from the international conference on historical linguistics, 9: 167-185. cite. STATS
Herring, Susan C. 1994. "Discourse Functions of Demonstrative Deixis in Tamil." In Berkeley Linguistics Society : proceedings of the annual meeting, 20G: 246-259. cite. STATS
Herring, Susan C. Functions of the Verb in Tamil Narration. PhD thesis, Univ. of California at Berkeley, 1991. cite. STATS
Herring, Hubert C. 1933. "To the Editor, American Anthropologist." In American Anthropologist, 35 , no. 2: 398. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
DJVU PDF Herring, Susan C. 1991. "Nominalization, Relativization, and Attribution in Lotha, Angami, and Burmese." In Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 14 , no. 1: 55-72. cite. STATS