Results3 papers found searching for papers by "hundius" . Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 1, G-Index: 1 Hundius, Harald and Ulrike Kölver. 1983. "Syntax and Semantics of Numeral Classifiers in Thai." In Studies in Language, 7 , no. 2: 165-214. cite.
Hundius, Harald. xxxx. "Phonologie Und Schrift Des Nordthai." . cite.
Hundius, Harald. 1976. "Das Nirāt Mū̧ang Klāng Von Sunthō̧n Phū. Analyse Und Ubersetzung Eines Thailändischen Reisegedichts." vii, 177 pp., map.. Harrasowitz. cite.