Results5 papers found searching for papers by "inaba" . Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 1, G-Index: 1 Shōju, Inaba. 1954. "Chibetto Koten Bunpōgahu." 15, 363, 44, 24 pp.. cite.
Beam, John H. 1996. "Kinabalu Park Names in Dusun and Their Meaning." In Kinabalu: summit of Borneo. Rev. and expanded, edited by K.M. Wong and A. Phillips. 489-510. Sabah Society; Sabah Parks. cite.
Shōju, Inaba. 1955. "??" In <YKIBR> [sic - BSTL], 1955: 213-20. cite.
Shōju, Inaba. 1957. "Butten Ni Mochiirareta Chibetto-go Dōshi No Yōhō No Kenkyū." In Ōtani Daigakū Kenkyū Nempō, 9: 243-88, supplement 1-42. cite.
Shōju, Inaba. 0nd0. "The Influence of Indian Grammar On the Development of Classical Tibetan Grammar." In Indogaku Bukkyō Kenkyū, 6: 432-40. cite.