Results98 papers found searching for papers by "jong" . Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 1, G-Index: 1DJVUPDF Wayland, Ratree and Allard Jongman. 2001. "Chanthaburi Khmer Vowels: Phonetic and Phonemic Analyses." In The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, 31: 65-82. cite.
Jong, J. W. de. 1959. "Mi La Ras Pa'i Rnam Thar>." 218 pp.. Mouton. cite.
Jun, Jongho. 2004. "Place Assimilation." In Phonetically based phonology, edited by Bruce Hayes et al.. 58-86. Cambridge University Press. cite.
Kim, Jong-Bok. 1995. "On the Existence of NegP in Korean." In Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics, 6: . cite.
Kim, Jong-Hyun and Hee-Sung Chung. 1991. "Adjunction Structure Formalism For English-Korean Machine Translation System." In Language Research, 27 , no. 1: . cite.
Ahn, Sang-Cheol and Jong-Bok Kim. 1999. "An Optimality-theoretic Approach To Morpho-lexical and Syntactic Nominalizations in Korean." In Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics, 8: . cite.
Kim, Jong-Bok. 1993. "Syntax and Semantics of Korean Resultative Constructions." In Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics, 5: . cite.
Kim, Kee-Ho. 1991. "Revisiting Distinctive Feature Approach in Speech Recognition." In Language Research, 27 , no. 2: . cite.
Strauss, Susan, Hanae Katayama and Jong Oh Eun. 2002. "Grammar, Cognition and Procedure As Reflected in Route Directions in Japanese, Korean and American English." In Japanese / Korean linguistics, volume 10. Stanford, Calif, edited by Noriko M. Akatsuka and Susan Strauss. 104-117. Published for the Stanford Linguistics Association by CSLI Publications. cite.
Sells, Peter and Jong Bok Kim. 2006. "Honorification in Korean As Expressive Meaning." In Korean Linguistics: Journal of the International Circle of Korean Linguistics, 13: . cite.
Park, Jong Hoon. 2001. "Structure and Function of Sub-information in Lecture Discourse." In Korean studies at the dawn of the millenium: proceedings of the second biennial conference, Korean Studies Association of Australasia. S.l, edited by Young-A Cho. 305-315. Korean Studies Association of Australasia. cite.
Kim, Jong-Bok. 1999. "On the Prefixhood and Scope of Short Form Negation." In Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics, 8: . cite.
Kim, Jong-Bok. 1998. "A Head-driven and Constraint-based Analysis of Korean Relative Clause Constructions." In Language Research, 34 , no. 4: . cite.
Huang, Jong-Tsun and Man-Ying Wang. 1992. "From Unit To Gestalt: Perceptual Dynamics in Recognizing Chinese Characters." In Language processing in Chinese, edited by Hsuan-Chih Chen and Ovid J.L. Tzeng. 3-35. North-Holland. cite.
Yoon, Jong-Yurl. 1991. "On Genitive Relative Constructions in Korean." In Harvard studies in Korean linguistics IV: proceedings of the 1991 Harvard Workshop on Korean Linguistics (Harvard WOKL-1991), July 12-14, 1991. Cambridge, Mass, edited by Susumu, et al. Kuno. 447-457. Department of Linguistic, Harvard University. cite.
Jong, J.W de. 1977. "Notes On the Second Chapter of the Madhyantavibhagakika." In Central Asiatic Journal, 21: . cite.
Jun, Jongho. 1993. "Prosodic Approach On Korean Partial Reduplication." In Japanese / Korean linguistics, volume 2. Stanford, Calif, edited by Patrice M. Clancy. 130-146. Published for the Stanford Linguistics Association by the Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford University. cite.
Shim, Rosa Jinyoung and Martin Jonghak Baik. 2004. "Korea (South and North)." In Language policies and language education: the impact in East Asian countries in the next decade. 2nd ed, edited by Wah Kam Ho and Ruth Y.L. Wong. 172-195. Eastern Universities Press. cite.
Kim, Jong-Kyoo. 2000. "Metrical Identity Effects of Phonological Variants: Vowel Lengthening in Korean [(standard) Seoul Korean Vowel Lengthening]." In Language Research, 36 , no. 3: . cite.
Lee, Yae-Sheik and Jong-Bok Kim. 2001. "Capturing Some Lexical Differences Between English and Korean: a Generative Lexicon Approach." In Language Research, 37 , no. 3: . cite.
Jun, Jong Sup. 2002. "Semantic Co-composition of the Korean Substantival Nouns- Ha(ta) Construction: Evidence For the Generative Lexicon." In Japanese / Korean linguistics, volume 10. Stanford, Calif, edited by Noriko M. Akatsuka and Susan Strauss. 573-586. Published for the Stanford Linguistics Association by CSLI Publications. cite.
Jong, Ken de. 2000. "Attention Modulation and the Formal Properties of Stress Systems." In CLS 36: the main session, edited by Arika Okrent and John P. Boyle. 71-91. Chicago Linguistic Society. cite.
Baik, Martin Jonghak and Rosa Jinyoung Shim. 1995. "Language, Culture, and Ideology in the English Textbooks of Two Koreas." In Language and culture in multilingual and visions, edited by Makhan L. Tickoo. 122-138. SEAMEO Regional Language Centre. cite.
Jun, Jongho. 1991. "Metrical Weight Consistency in Partial Reduplication of Korean Mimetics." In Harvard studies in Korean linguistics IV: proceedings of the 1991 Harvard Workshop on Korean Linguistics (Harvard WOKL-1991), July 12-14, 1991. Cambridge, Mass, edited by Susumu, et al. Kuno. 83-93. Department of Linguistic, Harvard University. cite.
Jong, P. de. 1981. "Vowel Harmony in Manchu." In Manchu Studies Newsletter, . cite.
Kim, Jong-Bok and Byung-Soo Park. 2000. "The Structure of Long Form Negation and Argument Composition." In Language Research, 36 , no. 4: . cite.
Jong, J.W. De. 1998. "Leslie Grey, a Concordance of Buddhist Birth Stories." In Indo-Iranian Journal, 41 , no. 1: . cite.
Jun, Jong Sup. 1999. "Productive Combinations of Substantival Nouns with -ha(ta) in Korean: Evidence For the Design of the Lexicon." In Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics, 8: . cite.
Baik, Martin Jonghak. 1992. "Language Shift and Identity in Korea." In Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, 3 , no. 1: . cite.
Jun, Jongho, Jungsun Kim and Hayoung Lee. 2006. "The Prosodic Structure and Pitch Accent of Northern Kyungsang Korean." In Journal of East Asian Linguistics, 15 , no. 4: . cite.
Kim, Jong-Bok. 1999. "A Comparative Study Between English and Korean Resultative Constructions." In Language Research, 35 , no. 1: . cite.
Jong, J.W De. 1975. "La Legende De Santideva." In Indo-Iranian Journal, 16 , no. 3: . cite.
Jong, J.W de. 1973. "Tibetan Blag-pa and Blags-pa." In Bulletin of the School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London, 36 , no. 2: . cite.
Kim, Jong-Kyoo. 1998. "Anti-trapping Effects in An Iambic System: Vowel Shortening in Korean." In Japanese / Korean linguistics: volume 8. Stanford, Calif, edited by David J. Silva. 289-302. Published for the Stanford Linguistics Association by the Center for the Study of Language and Information. cite.
Han, Jongim. 1992. "Syntactic Movement Analysis of Korean Relativization." In Language Research, 28 , no. 2: . cite.
Kim, Jong-mi. 1986. "Modifier Tensing in Korean: Interface Between Phonology, Lexicon and Syntax." In Linguistic Journal of Korea, 11 , no. 2: . cite.
Hwang, Jong-Bai. 2002. "The Effects of Negotiated Interaction of the L2 Vocabulary Acquisition: Input or Interaction?" In Language Research, 38 , no. 2: . cite.
Yoon, Jong-yuri. 1989. "On the Multiple 'ka' and 'lul' Constructions in Korean." In Harvard studies in Korean linguistics III--proceeding of the 1989 Harvard Workshop on Korean Linguistics (Harvard WOKL-1989), July 14-16, 1989. Cambridge, Mass, edited by Susumu, et al. Kuno. 383-394. Department of Linguistics, Harvard University. cite.
Jong, J.W. De. 1988. "Three Sanskrit Fragments of the Vinaya of the Sarvastivadins." In Indo-Iranian Journal, 31 , no. 1: . cite.
Jong, Patrick E. de Josselin de. 1985. "Le Roi En Son Royaume: Mythes Politiques De L'Indonesie Occidentale." In Asie du sud-est et monde insulindien, 16 , no. 1-4: . cite.
Jong, J.W. de. 1977. "The Tun-Huang Manuscripts of the Tibetan Ramayana Story." In Indo-Iranian Journal, 19 , no. 1-2: . cite.
Chang, Jong Whan and Dong-In Cho. 1991. "Head Movement and Case Theory." In Harvard studies in Korean linguistics IV: proceedings of the 1991 Harvard Workshop on Korean Linguistics (Harvard WOKL-1991), July 12-14, 1991. Cambridge, Mass, edited by Susumu, et al. Kuno. 217-227. Department of Linguistic, Harvard University. cite.
Jong, Ki-sou. xxxx. "Problemes Poses Par La Traduction D'oeuvres Francaise En Coreen." In Revue de litterature comparee, , no. 2. cite.
Jong, J.W de. xxxx. "Textcritical Notes On the Prasannapada." In Indo-Iranian Journal, 20 , no. 1-2: 217-252. cite.
Jong, Ken de. 1994. "Initial Tones and Prominence in Seoul Korean." In Papers from the linguistics laboratory, edited by Sook-hyang Lee and Sun-Ah Jun. 1-14. Dept. of Linguistics, Ohio State University. cite.
Kim, Jong-mi. 1985. "Outline of a Non-lexical Analysis of Morpho-phonology." In Harvard studies in Korean linguistics-proceedings of the 1985 Harvard workshop on Korean linguistics (Harvard WOKL-1985), July 12-13, 1985, edited by Susumu, et al Kuno. 247-256. Hanshin. cite.
Kim, Jong-Kyoo. 2000. "The Diachronic Residue in Phonological Representation: Assimilation and Linked Structure in Korean." In Seoul Journal of Korean Studies, . cite.
Huang, Jong-tsun. 1986. "Visual Integration Process in Recognizing Fragmented Chinese Characters." In Linguistics, psychology, and the Chinese language, edited by Henry S.R. Kao and Rumjahn Hoosain. 45-54. Centre of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong. cite.
Jong, J.W. De. 1997. "F.B.J. Kuiper: Bibliography 1987-1996." In Indo-Iranian Journal, 40 , no. 2: . cite.
Wayland, Ratree P. and Allard Jongman. 2001. "Chantaburi Khmer Vowels: Phonetic and Phonemic Analyses [Khmer Spoken in Thailand]." In Mon-Khmer Studies, 31: . cite.
Wayland, Ratree and Allard Jongman. 2002. "Registrogenesis in Khmer : a Phonetic Account." In The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, 32: 101-115. cite.
Han, Chung-hye and Jong-Bok Kim. 2004. "Are There 'double Relative Clauses' in Korean?" In Linguistic Inquiry, 35 , no. 2: . cite.
Strauss, Susan and Jong Oh Eun. 2005. "Indexicality and Honorific Speech Level Choice in Korean." In Linguistics : an interdisciplinary journal of the language sciences, 43 , no. 3: . cite.
Wang, Yue, Allard Jongman and Joan A. Sereno. 2001. "Dichotic Perception of Mandarin Tones By Chinese and American Listeners." In B&L, 78 , no. 3: 332-348. cite.
De jong, Nicky. 2001. "The Ideophnes in Didinga." In Ideophones., edited by F. K. Erhard Voeltz and Christa Kilian-hatz. . John Benjamins. cite.
Chemjong, Imam Singh. 1962. "Limbu--Nepali--English Dictionary." 58, 376 pp.. Royal Nepal Academy. cite.
Chemjong, Imam Singh. 1970. "Lapcha--Nepali--English Dictionary." 340 pp.. Royal Nepal Academy. cite.
Cēm-jong, Imām-shing and et Al. 1951. "Tum Yāb-thung Ming-wā-phu Sap-la." 23 pp.. Sikkim. cite.
Cēm-jong, Imām-shing and Subēdar Bājabira Thong-long. 1931. "Ni-si-gēk Yak-thung Sa-pa-la." 31 pp.. cite.
Jong, J. W. de. 1952. "Review of Nobel, {\?? <Suvarṇaprabhāsottamasūtra>." In T'oung Pao, 41: 247-50. cite.
Jong, J. W. de. 1955. "Review of Shafer, <Ethnography of Ancient India>." In T'oung Pao, 43 , no. 3: 318-20. cite.
Jong, J. W. de. 1957. "Review of Stein, {\fr <L'épopée Tibétaine De Gesar...>." In T'oung Pao, 45: 270-2. cite.
Jong, J. W. de. 1958. "Review of Shafer, <Bibliography of Sino-Tibetan Languages>, Vol. I." In Indo-Iranian Journal, 2 , no. 1: 74-7. cite.
Jong, J. W. de. 1959. "Review of Simonsson, {\germ <Indo-tibetische Studien>." In Indo-Iranian Journal, 3: 216-19. cite.
Jong, J. W. de. 1960. "Review of Lokesh, <Tibetan-Sanskrit Dictionary>." In Indo-Iranian Journal, 4: 73-4. cite.
Jong, J. W. de. 1964. "Review of Semichov, Parfionovich, & Dandaron, {\rus <Kratkii Tibetsko--russkii Slovar'>." In Indo-Iranian Journal, 8: 242-5. cite.
Jong, J. W. de. 1968. "Review of Pearson, <Oriental and Asian Bibliography...>." In Indo-Iranian Journal, 10 , no. 4: 292-3. cite.
Jong, J. W. de. 1969. "Review of Shafer, <Introduction To Sino-Tibetan, Part 1>." In Indo-Iranian Journal, 11 , no. 4: 310-1. cite.
Jong, J. W. de. 1971. "Review of Snellgrove, <The Nine Ways of Bon>." In Indo-Iranian Journal, 13 , no. 3: 220-2. cite.
Jong, J. W. de. 1972. "Un Fragment De L'histoire De Rāma En Tibétaine...>." In Etudes tibétaines dédiées à la mémoire de Marcelle Lalou, 127-41. Adrien Maisonneuve. cite.
Jong, J. W. de. 1972. "Review of Boulnois & Millot, {\fr <Bibliographie Du Népal>." In Indo-Iranian Journal, 14: 256-7. cite.
Jong, J. W. de. 1972. "Tibetan <blag-pa> and <blags-pa>." In Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 36: 309-12. cite.
Jong, J. W. de. 1973. "Review of Snellgrove, <Four Lamas of Dolpo>." In Indo-Iranian Journal, 15 , no. 1: 68-74. cite.
Jong, J. W. de. 1977. "Review of Angdu, <Tibeto-Sanskrit Lexicographic Materials>." In Indo-Iranian Journal, 19: 120-1. cite.
Jong, J. W. de. 1980. "Review of Miller, R., <Studies in the Grammatical Tradition in Tibet>." In Indo-Iranian Journal, 21: 300-4. cite.
Jong, J. W. de. 1981. "Review of Zimmermann, {\germ <Wortart Und Sprachstruktur in Tibetischen>." In Indo-Iranian Journal, 23: 234-6. cite.
Jongcay, Champa T. 1972. "Kleine Phraseologie Der Tibetischen Umgangs Sprache, Deutsch--Tibetisch, Mit Glossarien." 134 pp.. Tibet-Institut. cite.
Jaijongrak, Ruethai and Anuwit Jaroensuphakul. 1978. "Traditional Thai Houses = (Review)." In The Journal of the Siam Society, 66 , no. 2: . cite.
De josselin de jong, J. P. B. 1916. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 18 , no. 1: 120--127. American Anthropological Association. cite.
De Jongh Osborne Lilly and Mason J. Alden. 1945. "Robert James Burkitt, 1869-1945." In American Anthropologist, 47 , no. 4: 609--610. American Anthropological Association. cite.
De josselin de jong, J. P. B. 1955. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 57 , no. 6: 1320--1321. American Anthropological Association. cite.
De josselin de jong, P. E. 1963. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 65 , no. 3: 742--743. American Anthropological Association. cite.
De josselin de jong, P. E. 1967. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 69 , no. 2: 233--234. American Anthropological Association. cite.
De josselin de jong, Patrick E. 1970. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 72 , no. 5: 1128--1129. American Anthropological Association. cite.
De josselin de jong, P. E. 1971. "Presumed Behavior: Comments On Cara E. Richards' Brief Communication." In American Anthropologist, 73 , no. 1: 270--273. American Anthropological Association. cite.
De vreese, K. 1962. "[Untitled]." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 82 , no. 3: 402--406. American Oriental Society. cite.
Jong, J. W. De. 1962. "[Untitled]." In Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 25 , no. 1/3: 380--381. School of Oriental and African Studies. cite.
De jong, J. W. 1985. "The Over-Burdened Earth in India and Greece." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 105 , no. 3: 397--400. American Oriental Society. cite.
Dejong ellis, Maria. 1986. "The Archive of the Old Babylonian Kititum Temple and Other Texts From Ishchali." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 106 , no. 4: 757--786. American Oriental Society. cite.
De jong, J. W. 1986. "Cajyate and Yayajyate." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 106 , no. 4: 803. American Oriental Society. cite.
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De jong, J. W. 1998. "Once More, Ajyate." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 118 , no. 1: 69--70. American Oriental Society. cite.
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De jong, J. W. 1969. "[Untitled]." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 89 , no. 4: 793--794. American Oriental Society. cite.
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De Jong Kenneth and Obeng Samuel Gyasi. 2000. "Labio-Palatalization in Twi: Contrastive, Quantal, and Organizational Factors Producing An Uncommon Sound." In Language, 76 , no. 3: 682--703. Linguistic Society of America. cite.
De jong, J.W. 1966. "L'Auteur De L'Abhidharmadipa." In T'oung Pao, 52: 305-307(3). cite.
STATSDJVUPDF Kim, Jong-mi. 1992. "Lexical Phonology in Korean Epenthetic-s Phenomenon." In The Third International Symposium on Language and Linguistics, Bangkok, Thailand, 1011-1025. Chulalongkorn University. cite.