Results5 papers found searching for papers by "molony" . Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 1, G-Index: 1 Molony, Carol H. and Dad Tuan. 1975. "Further Studies On the Tasaday Language: Texts and Vocabulary." 13-96. In: Yen, Douglas E. and John Nance. Further studies on the Tasaday. Makati, Rizal, Panamin Foundation. cite.
Molony, Carol H. 1977. "Recent Relexification Processes in Philippine Creole Spanish." In Sociocultural dimensions of language change, edited by Ben G. Blount and Mary Sanches. 131-159. Academic Press. cite.
Molony, Carol H. 1973. "Sound Changes in Chabacano." In Parangal kay Cecilio Lopez: essays in honor of Cecilio Lopez on his seventy-fifth birthday, edited by Andrew B. Gonzalez. 38-50. Linguistic Society of the Philippines. cite.
Molony, Carol H. 1978. "Lexical Change in Philippine Creole Spanish." In Approaches to language: anthropological issues, edited by William C. Mccormack and Stephen A. Wurm. 401-416. Mouton. cite.
Molony, Carol H. 1978. "Mardika Etymology: a Clue To Language Survival [on Ternateno]." In In: Udin, S. Spectrum: essays presented to Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana on his seventieth birthday, 247-259. Dian Rakyat. cite.