Results13 papers found searching for papers by "nakajima" . Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 1, G-Index: 1 Nakajima, Motoki. 1979. "Conversational Texts in Two Min Dialects." In Journal of Asian and African Studies = Ajia Afurika gengo bunka kenkyu, , no. 18. cite.
Nakajima, Motoki. 1978. "The Preliminary Report On the Basic Vocabulary of the Tai Dialect of Kweilin." In Ajiya-Afurika gengo bunka kenkyū = Journal of Asian and African studies, , no. 16146-62. cite.
Nakajima, Motoki and Tetsuya Sano. 2004. "Early Acquisition of Nominative-genitive Conversion in Japanese." In Proceedings of the 28th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. Somerville, Mass, edited by Alejna Brugos et al.. 390-401. Cascadilla Press. cite.
Nakajima, Kazuko. xxxx. "*Learning Japanese in the Network Society." . cite.
Nakajima, Motoki. 1980. "A Report On the Basic Vocabularies of the Tai Dialects of Wu-ming." In Ajiya-Afurika gengo bunka kenkyū = Journal of Asian and African studies, , no. 20224-39. cite.
Nakajima, Heizo. xxxx. "*Current English Linguistics in Japan." . cite.
Nakajima, Naoki and Masayoshi. Sagawa. 1984. "On Subjectivization-A Drastic Modification of Kuno's Analysis." In Descriptive and Applied Linguistics, . cite.
Young, John and Kimiko Nakajima-okano. xxxx. "Learn Japanese: New College Text." . cite.
Nakajima, Takashi. 1993. "Syntactic Analysis of the Light Verb Construction [in Japanese]." In Cornell working papers in linguistics. Volume II. Ithaca, N.Y, edited by Edward J. Rubin and Michael Bernstein. 125-148. Dept. of Modern Languages and Linguistics, Cornell University. cite.
Nakajima, Kazuko. 2002. "Introduction." In Learning Japanese in the network society, edited by Kazuko Nakajima. xix. University of Calgary Press. cite.
Nakajima, Takashi. 1991. "Minimality Effect On A'-chain: a Case in Adverb Sequencing." In Harvard studies in Korean linguistics IV: proceedings of the 1991 Harvard Workshop on Korean Linguistics (Harvard WOKL-1991), July 12-14, 1991. Cambridge, Mass, edited by Susumu, et al. Kuno. 365-379. Department of Linguistic, Harvard University. cite.
Nakajima, Akiko. 1999. "A Propos De Quelques Marques De Posteriorite: Ato/ato Ni/ato De." In Japon pluriel 3: Actes du troisieme colloque de la Societe francaise des etudes japonaises: Campus Michel-Ange du CNRS, Paris, 17-19 decembre 1998, edited by Jean-Pierre Berthon and Anne Gossot. 305-313. Editions Philippe Picquier. cite.
Nakajima, Motoki. 1996. "Dialectological Researches On Mandarin." In Kyoto sangyo daigaku kokusai gengo kagaku kenkyujo shoho = The bulletin of the International Institute for Linguistic Sciences, 17 , no. 2: 37-48. cite.