Results60 papers found searching for papers by "neo" . Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 2, G-Index: 2 Ishii, Yoneo, Osamu Akagi and Noriko Endo. xxxx. "A Glossarial Index of the Sukhothai Inscriptions." . cite.
Suenobu, Mineo, Kazuo Kanzaki and Shigeru Yamane. xxxx. "An Experimental Study of Intelligibility of Japanese English." . cite.
Adelaar, K. Alexander. 1995. "Borneo As a Cross-roads For Comparative Austronesian Linguistics." In The Austronesians : historical and comparative perspectives, edited by Peter Bellwood James J. Fox Darrell T. Tryon. 75-95. Australian National Univ., Dept. of Anthropology, Comparative Austronesian Project. cite.
Ishii, Yoneo, Osamu Akagi and Noriko Endo. 1972. "A Glossarial Index For the Sukhothai Inscriptions." 233 pp.. Kyoto University Center for Southeast Asian Studies. cite.
Neo, Paul, and Marilyn Gregerson. 1974. "Bai Pỏchrâm Nâr Rỏngao: Bai Hoc Tiêng Rỏngao: Rỏngao Language Lessons,." . Dept. of Education,. cite.
Ishii, Yoneo. 1971. "Seventeenth Century Japanese Documents About Siam." In Journal of the Siam Society, 59 , no. 2: . cite.
Thirumalai, M.S. and Shyamala Chengappa. xxxx. "Simultaneous Acquisition of Two Languages: An Overview." . cite.
Collins, James T. 1996. "Borneo and Maluku : the Evidence From the Language of Bacan." In Language use and language change in Brunei Darussalam, edited by Peter W. Martin Conrad Ożóg and Gloria Poedjosoedarmo. 73-88. Ohio Univ. Center for International Studies. cite.
Matsumura, Hisashi. 1990. "Miscellaneous Notes On the Upalipariprccha and Related Texts." In Acta Orientalia, 51: . cite.
Ching, Eugene. 1987. "Neologisms in a Bilingual Dictionary." In Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 22 , no. 1: . cite.
Suharno, Ignatius. xxxx. "*Miscellaneous Studies in Indonesian and Languages in Indonesia. Part IV." . cite.
Azis, Engku Abdul. xxxx. "Neoliths From Johor." In Journal of the Malaysian Branch, Royal Asiatic Society, 10 , no. 1: . cite.
Neog, Maheswar. 1988. "The Barmurtiya-Bil Copper Plate Inscription, 1314 Saka." In Sradhanjali, studies in ancient Indian history: D.C. Sircar commemoration volume, edited by K.K. Das gupta et al.. 402-407. Sundeep Prakashan. cite.
Verhaar, John W.M. xxxx. "*Miscellaneous Studies in Indonesian and Languages in Indonesia, Part I." . cite.
Bernot, Denise. 1979. "Neologismes En Birman Formel Et En Birman Quotidien." In Langue formelle, langue quotidienne quelques langues d'Asie, edited by Alice Cartier. 5-14. U.E.R. de Linguistique Generale et Apliquee Universite Rene Descartes. cite.
Halim, Amran. xxxx. "*Miscellaneous Studies in Indonesian and Languages in Indonesia; Part II." . cite.
Burrow, T. 1971. "Spontaneous Cerebrals in Sanskrit." In Bulletin of the School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London, 34 , no. 3: . cite.
Hijirida, Kyoko and Muneo Yoshikawa. xxxx. "Japanese Language and Culture For Business and Travel." . cite.
Peck, Charles. xxxx. "Borneo Language Studies I: Sabah Syntax Papers." . cite.
Tarling, Nicholas. 1974. "Borneo and British Intervention in Malaya." In Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 5 , no. 2: . cite.
Enriquez, Virgilio G. and Elizabeth Protacio-marcelino. xxxx. "Neo-colonial Politics and Language Struggle in the Philippines: National Consciousness and Language in Philippine Psychology (1971-1983)." . cite.
Neog, Maheswar. 1974. "Laksmisimha's Grant of Saka 1692." In Journal of Ancient Indian History, 8 , no. 1&2: . cite.
Bellwood, Peter. 2006. "Borneo As the Homeland of Malay? The Perspective From Archaeology." In Borneo and the homeland of the Malays: four essays, edited by James T. Collins and Awang Sariyan. 45-63. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. cite.
Fung, Pascale and Yi Liu. 2007. "Spontaneous Mandarin Speech Pronunciation Modeling." In In: Lee, Chin-Hui, et al. Advances in Chinese spoken language processing. Singapore; Hackensack, N.J, 227-242. World Scientific. cite.
Ayabe, Tsuneo. 1973. "Dek Wat and Thai Education: the Case of Tambon Ban Khem [Phetburi]." In Journal of the Siam Society, 61 , no. 2: . cite.
Terwiel, B.J. 1989. "Neo-Ahom and the Parable of the Prodigal Son." In Bijdragen Tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 145 , no. 1: . cite.
Wu, Helen Xiaoyan. 2005. "Neologisms." In Encyclopedia of contemporary Chinese culture, edited by Edward L. Davis. 423. Routledge. cite.
Harrisson, Tom. 1966. "Borneo Writing Boards." In Sarawak Museum Journal, 13 , no. 27: . cite.
Poedjosoedarmo, Soepomo. xxxx. "*Miscellaneous Studies in Indonesian and Languages in Indonesia. Part III." . cite.
Takahashi, Munezoh and Tsuneo Kishima. 1973. "Decay Resistance of Sixty-five Southeast Asian Timber Specimens in Accelerated Laboratory Tests." In Southeast Asian Studies = Tonan Ajia kenkyu, 10 , no. 4: . cite.
Yoshikawa, Muneo. 1969. "Co-ordinated Teaching As a Means of Teacher Training [the Training of Teachers of Lower Division Japanese]." In Association of Teachers of Japanese. Journal-Newsletter , 6, no.2, 6 , no. 2: . cite.
Collins, James T. and Awang Sariyan. xxxx. "*Borneo and the Homeland of the Malays: Four Essays." . cite.
Ishii, Yoneo. 2004. "Exploring a New Approach To Early Thai History." In The Journal of the Siam Society, 92: . cite.
Enriquez, Virgilio G. and Elizabeth Protacio-marcelino. 1983. "Neo-colonial Politics and Language Struggle in the Philippines." In Philippine Social Sciences and Humanities Review, 47: . cite.
Ishii, Yoneo. 1975. "A Note On Buddhistic Millenarian Revolts in Northeastern Siam." In Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 6 , no. 2: . cite.
Neog, Maheswar. 1975. "The Nilacala Copperplate Epigraph of Madhava-deva, King of Kamarupa." In Vishveshvaranand Indological Journal, 13 , no. 1-2: . cite.
Driem, George van. 1998. "Neolithic Correlates of Ancient Tibeto-Burman Migrations." In Archaeology and language II : correlating archaeological and linguistic hypotheses, edited by Roger M. Blench Matthew Spriggs. 67-102. Routledge. cite.
Collins, James T. 1995. "Borneo As the Starting Point For the Study of the History of the Malay Language." In Dewan Bahasa, 39 , no. 10: 868-879. cite.
Forbes, Kathleen. 1967. "Neologisms in English and Burmese." In Journal of the Burma Research Society, 50 , no. 1: 47-70. cite.
Ishii, Yoneo. 1966. "Taigo Bunken Ni Tsuite (I)." In Tōnan Ajia Kenkyū, 4: 2-12. cite.
Marsden, William. 1834. "Miscellaneous Works,." In London, J. L. Cox and Son, 116, 27, 12p, 2 plates, map., . cite.
Hope, Geoffrey. 1997. "Borneo Log: The Struggle For Sarawak's Forests." In Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 28 , no. 2: 438. cite.
Hope, Geoffrey. 1998. "Borneo Log: The Struggle For Sarawak's Forests." In Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 29 , no. 1: 207. cite.
Ishii, Yoneo. 1987. "Translation of Thai Books in Japan (Review)." In The Journal of the Siam Society, 75: . cite.
Schuller, Rudolph. 1915. "Erroneous Interpretation of the "Tears Greeting"." In American Anthropologist, 17 , no. 3: 607--609. American Anthropological Association. cite.
Barringer, Brandon. 1966. "Neolithic Growth Rates." In American Anthropologist, 68 , no. 5: 1253. American Anthropological Association. cite.
Allchin, F. R. 1962. "The Neolithic Stone Industry of the Santal Parganas." In Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 25 , no. 1/3: 306--330. School of Oriental and African Studies. cite.
Tokunaga, Muneo. 1981. "On the Recensions of the Brhaddevata." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 101 , no. 3: 275--286. American Oriental Society. cite.
Lambert, W. G. 1983. "A Neo-Babylonian Tammuz Lament." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 103 , no. 1: 211--215. American Oriental Society. cite.
Frame, Grant. 1984. "Neo-Babylonian and Achaemenid Economic Texts From the Sippar Collection of the British Museum." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 104 , no. 4: 745--752. American Oriental Society. cite.
Salisbury, Edward E. 1847. "Miscellaneous Notices Relative To the Recent Progress of Oriental Researches." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 1 , no. 3: 317--336. American Oriental Society. cite.
Tolman, H. C. 1920. "An Erroneous Etymology of New Persian Padsah, in Relation To the Pr. N. Patizeiqhs (Hdt. 3. 61)." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 40: 200--201. American Oriental Society. cite.
Vida, G. Levi Della. 1940. "A Neopunic Inscription in England." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 60 , no. 4: 578--579. American Oriental Society. cite.
Weisberg, David B. 1967. "A Neo-Babylonian Temple Report." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 87 , no. 1: 8--12. American Oriental Society. cite.
Trautmann, Thomas R. 1973. "Consanguineous Marriage in Pali Literature." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 93 , no. 2: 158--180. American Oriental Society. cite.
Harris, Zellig S. 1944. "Simultaneous Components in Phonology." In Language, 20 , no. 4: 181--205. Linguistic Society of America. cite.
Bonfante, Giuliano. 1947. "The Neolinguistic Position (A Reply To Hall's Criticism of Neolinguistics)." In Language, 23 , no. 4: 344--375. Linguistic Society of America. cite.
Beard, Robert. 1993. "Simultaneous Dual Derivation in Word Formation." In Language, 69 , no. 4: 716--741. Linguistic Society of America. cite.
Santangelo, Paolo. 1990. "A Neo-Confucian Debate in 16Th Century Korea." In T'oung Pao, 76: 234-270(37). cite.