9 papers found searching for papers by "osada" .  Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 1, G-Index: 2
Osada, Toshiki. 1992. "A Reference Grammar of Mundari." 168 p. Tokyo Univ. of Foreign Studies, Inst. for the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA). cite. STATS (4)
Osada, Toshiki. 1999. "Experiential Constructions in Mundari." In Gengo Kenkyū (Journal of the Linguistic Society of Japan), 115: 51-76. cite. STATS (1)
DJVU PDF Osada, Toshiki. 2004. "A Historical Note On Inclusive/exclusive Opposition in South Asian Languages -Borrowing or Retention or Innovation?-." In The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, 34: 79-96. cite. STATS
Osada, Toshiki. 1996. "Notes On the Proto-Kherwarian Vowel System." In Indo-Iranian journal, 39 , no. 3: 245-258. cite. STATS
Natsuki, Osada. 1997. "On the Inclusive/exclusive Personal Pronoun and the Direction Indicator in Tangut and 11-18th Century Chinese." In Kyoto sangyo daigaku kokusai gengo kagaku kenkyujo shoho = The bulletin of the International Institute for Linguistic Sciences, 18: 278-258. cite. STATS
Osada, Toshiki. 1999. "Save the Endangered Languages : Present State of Minority Languages in India." In Gengo, 29 , no. 7: 110-117. cite. STATS
Osada, Toshiki. 1995. "The Rice and Food Culture of Munda in Eastern India : An Ethnolinguistic Study." 188 p. Kokusai Nihon Bunka Center. cite. STATS
Osada, Natsuki. 1948. "On the Phonemic Structure of the Tai Languages - a Part of the Historical Comparative Study of the Chinese Language." In Kobe City U. Journal, , no. 12-3. cite. STATS
Osada, Toshiki. 1989. "Syllable Structure and Mora in Mundari." In Presented at Seminar on Phonetics. and Phonology of AA languages, . cite. STATS