Results46 papers found searching for papers by "ratanakul" . Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 1, G-Index: 2 Ratanakul, Suriya. 1985. "The Lawa L.... Poetry." In The Journal of the Siam Society, 73 , no. 1 & 2: . cite.
Ratanakul, Suriya. 1981. "Sgaw Karen Color Categories." In The Journal of the Siam Society, 69 , no. 1 & 2: . cite.
Ratanakul, Suriya. 1996. "Lawa Lesɔm ʔ Lε Poetry Revisited." In The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, 26: 387-410. cite.
Deepadung, Sujaritlak and Suriya Ratanakul. 1997. "Final Particles in Conversational Mal (Thin)." In The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, 27: 81-89. cite.
Suriya Ratanakul. 1981. "Transitivity and Causation in Sgaw Karen." In LACRSP, 156-79. cite.
STATS (1) DJVUPDF Suriya Ratanakul. 1985. "The Phonology of Lawa." In Southeast Asian Linguistic Studies Presented to André-G. Haudricourt, edited by Suriya Ratanakul et al.. 264-309. Institute of Language and Culture for Rural Development, Mahidol University. cite.
Ratanakul, Suriya. 1996. "Numeral Classifiers in Sgaw Karen." In Papers from the sixth annual meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, 1996, edited by Karen L. Adams and Thomas John Hudak. 299-318. Arizona State University Program for Southeast Asian Studies, Monograph Series Press. cite.
Ratanakul, Suriya. 1990. "Tai Peoples and Their Languages: a Preliminary Observation." In Development, modernization, and tradition in Southeast Asia: lessons from Thailand, edited by Pinit Ratanakul and U Kyaw than. 49-111. Mahidol University. cite.
Ratanakul, Suriya. 1994. "Minorities, Education and Cultural Identity." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 42. cite.
Ratanakul, Suriya. 1983. "Three Copulative Verbs in Sgaw Karen." In Computational Analyses of Asian & African Languages = Ajia Afurikago no keisu kenkyu, , no. 21. cite.
Ratanakul, Suriya. 1984. "A Prolegomena On Traditional Wisdom in Karen Folklore." In The Journal of the Siam Society, 72 , no. 1 & 2: . cite.
STATSDJVUPDF Suriya Ratanakul. 1998. "Numeral Classifiers in Sgaw Karen." In The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, 28: 101-113. cite.
Ratanakul, Sudthaporn. 1998. "Verb-tense in English Writing Made By Thai Students : a Comparative Analysis." In Phaasaa lae watthanatham = Journal of language and culture, 17 , no. 2: 77-85. cite.
Ratanakul, Suriya, Sujaritlak Deepadung and Phattiya Yimrewat. 1996. "Bhāṣā Lēḥ Wăḍhanadharrm Lăwḥ : Śɨkṣā Cāk Pad Sandanā 30 Pad = Language and Culture of the Luaʔ : a Study From 30 Conversational Lessons." 247 p. Mahidol Univ., Inst. of Language and Culture for Rural Development. cite.
Ratanakul, Suriya. 1998. "Numeral Classifiers in Sgaw Karen." In The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, 28: 101-113. cite.
Ratanakul, Suriya. "." . cite.
Suriya Ratanakul. 1971. "The Meo and Yao Contribution To the Study of the Tonal System in Thai." In Anandamahidol Annual Report,, . April 1971.. cite.
Suriya Ratanakul. 1971. "Panhā R\ūang Wannayuk Nai Phāsā Thai." . cite.
Suriya Ratanakul. 1971. "Problems About Tones in the Thai Language." In JTU, . cite.
Suriya Ratanakul. 1972. "ฃ Lae ฅ Hāi Pai Nai?" In JTU, . cite.
Suriya Ratanakul. 1972. "Photchanānukrom Thai-mong." . Kasemsamphan kan phim,. cite.
Suriya Ratanakul. 1972. "Some Topics in the Study of the Thai Language." In JTU., . cite.
Suriya Ratanakul. 1974. "Proverbs, Adages and Stock-phrases." In JTU., . cite.
Suriya Ratanakul. 1975. "(ed.) "Linguistic Problems in Minority/majority Group Relations in Southeast Asian Countries: Papers Presented At the Workshop On Southeast Asian Languages,." In Mahidol University, Bangkok, 13-17 January 1975", JSS, 1-160. cite.
Suriya Ratanakul. 1975. "A Study of the Thin: a Mon-Khmer Linguistic Community in Thai-land." In Studia Turcologica Cracoviensia, . cite.
Suriya Ratanakul. 1976. "English-White Meo Dictionary,." . ILCRD, Mahidol U.,. cite.
Suriya Ratanakul. 1977. "Aspects of Linguistic Features in Minority Languages." In RELC Seminar on language educ. in multilingual societies, Singapore, April, . cite.
Suriya Ratanakul. 1977. "A Contrastive Analysis of Thai and Meo-Yao." In Bangkok, ILCRD, Mahidol U., . cite.
Suriya Ratanakul. 1978. "English-Akha Medical Conversation." In Bangkok, ILCRD, Mahidol U., . cite.
Suriya Ratanakul. 1979. "Some Aspects of the Noun Phrase in Sgaw Karen." In Studia Turcologica Cracoviensia, . cite.
Suriya Ratanakul. 1980. "Sgaw Karen Causative Constructions." In Studia Turcologica Cracoviensia, . cite.
Suriya Ratanakul. 1981. "The Genetic Designator Ta in Sgaw Karen." In STC 14. (Read by title only), . cite.
Suriya Ratanakul. 1981. "Phlēng Karīang." In JLC, 61-107. cite.
Suriya Ratanakul. 1981. "Sgaw Karen Color Categories." In Journal of Semitic studies, 138-44. cite.
Suriya Ratanakul. 1982. "Three Copulative Verbs in Sgaw Karen." In JLC, 116-28. cite.
Suriya Ratanakul. 1983. "Three Copulative Verbs in Sgaw Karen." In CAAAL, , no. 2193-108. cite.
Suriya Ratanakul. 1984. "Law Lae Lua'." In JLC, 56-78. cite.
Suriya Ratanakul. 1984. "A Study of Compound Nouns in Lawa, White Meo, and Sgaw Karen." In Studia Turcologica Cracoviensia, . cite.
Suriya Ratanakul. f.c. "The Lawa Lesom Le Poetry." In PHSAL., . cite.
Suriya Ratanakul. f.c. "Thai-White Meo and English-White Meo Dictionary,." In 790p., ms., . cite.
Suriya Ratanakul. f.c. "Some Interesting Semantic Derivation in Thai Verbs." . cite.
Suriya ratanakul, and Phikulthong Ruchirabha. 1977. "Kham Sonthanā Kīau Kap Sukkaphāp 'anāmai Phāsā Thai-'īk\ō." . ILCRD, Mahidol U.,. cite.
Suriya ratanakul, and eds. David d. thomas. f.c. "Papers in Southeast Asian Languages and Linguistics in Honor of André-Georges Haudricourt,." In Bangkok, Mahidol U., . cite.
STATSDJVUPDF Suriya Ratanakul. 1996. "Lawa Ləsɔm ˀLɛ Poetry Revisited." In The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, 26: 387-410. cite.
STATSDJVUPDF Suriya Ratanakul. 2001. "Adverbs in Sgaw Karen." In The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, 31: 127-134. cite.
STATSDJVUPDF Suriya Ratanakul. 2001. "Numeral Classifiers in Sgaw Karen." In Papers from the Sixth Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, edited by Karen L. Adams and Thomas John Hudak. Tempe, Arizona, 299-318. Arizona State University, Program for Southeast Asian Studies. cite.