Results49 papers found searching for papers by "schneider" . Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 1, G-Index: 1 Schneider, Paul. 1988. "Son Et Signification Dans Les Ideogrammes Vietnamiens." In Vietnam Forum, , no. 12. cite.
Schneider, U. 1984. "The Calcutta-Bairat Edict of Asoka." In Indological and Buddhist studies: volume in honour of Professor J.W. de Jong on his sixtieth birthday, edited by Luise Anna, et al Hercus. 491-498. Sri Satguru Publications. cite.
Schneider, Roland. 1978. "Nazo-nazo Und Mainocotaba Als Materialgruppen Zur Sprachgeschichte Des Spatmittel-japanischen." In Referate des IV. Deutschen Japanologentages in Tubingen, edited by Fritz Opitz and Roland Schneider. 200-213. Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Volkerkunde Ostasiens. cite.
Schneider, Paul. xxxx. "Dictionnaire Historique Des Ideogrammes Vietnamiens." In At head of title: Universite de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Unite de Recherches Interdisciplinaires sur l'Asie du Sud Est, Madagascar et les Iles de L'Ocean Indien. Title also in Chinese characters, . cite.
Schneider, Roland. 1992. "In Memoriam Gunther Wenck (1916-1992) [obituary]." In Nachrichten der Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Volkerkunde Ostasiens, 62 , no. 2: . cite.
Schneider, Roland. 1989. "Das Shichijuichiban-shokunin-utaawase Als Quelle Fur Das Spatmitteljapanische--eine Kurze Materialvorstellung." In Bruno Lewin zu Ehren: Festschrift aus Anlass seines 65. Geburtstages, Band 1: Japan: Sprach- und literaturwissenschaftliche Beitrage, edited by Irmela Hijiya-kirschnereit and Jurgen Stalph. 339-350. Universitatsverlag Dr. N. Brockmeyer. cite.
Schneider, Edgar W. 2005. "The Subjunctive in Philippine English." In Linguistics and language education in the Philippines and beyond: a Festschrift in honor of Ma. Lourdes S. Bautista, edited by Danilo T. Dayag and J. Stephen Quakenbush. 27-40. Linguistic Society of the Philippines. cite.
Schneider, Dennis E. xxxx. "Teaching a Living Language [English Instruction in Japan]." In Descriptive and Applied Linguistics, 16: . cite.
Schneider, Roland. 1995. "Sprache Und Schrift." In Landerbericht Japan: Geographie, Geschichte, Politik, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft, Kultur, edited by Hans Jurgen Mayer and Manfred Pohl. 463-465. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. cite.
Schneider, Roland. 2003. "Formale Substantive Und Formale Verben Als Kinogo: Beschreibung Und Vertmittlung Im Japanischunterricht." In Actes du deuxieme colloque d'etudes japonaises de l'Universite Marc Bloch: Rencontre franco-allemande autour des problematiques et perspectives de l'enseignement de la langue, de la litterature et de la civilisation japonaises dans le cadre universitaire: Strasbourg 28 mars 2003, Colmar 29 et 30 mars 2003. S.l, edited by Sakae Murakami Giroux et al.. 246-252. Centre europeen d'etudes japonaises d'Alsace et Departement d'etudes japonaises de l'Universite Marc Bloch. cite.
Schneider, Roland. 1990. "Sprache Und Gesellschaft in Der Meiji-Zeit--Einige Bemerkungen Zu Sprachleben Und Vokabular." In Oriens Extremus, 33 , no. 1: . cite.
Schneider, Ulrich. xxxx. "Die Grossen Felsen-Edikte Asokas: Krit. Ausg., Ubers. U. Analyse D. Texte." . cite.
Schneider, Edgar W. 2000. "Corpus Linguistics in the Asian Context: Exemplary Analyses of the Kolhapur Corpus of Indian English." In Parangal cang Brother Andrew: Festschrift for Andrew Gonzalez on his sixtieth birthday, edited by Ma. Lourdes S. Bautista et al.. 115-137. Linguistic Society of the Philippines. cite.
Schneider, Roland. 1990. "Der Osaka-Dialekt." In Osaka: Portrat einer Wirtschafts- und Kulturmetropole, edited by Universitat Hamburg Institut fur asienkunde hamburg. seminar fur sprache und kultur japans. 118-121. Landeszentrale fur politische Bildung. cite.
Schneider, Paul. xxxx. "Les Ideogrammes Vietnamiens: Etude Sur L'ecriture Nom Au XVIeme Siecle." . cite.
Schneider, Ulrich. 1976. "On the Seventh Rock Edict of Asoka." In Journal of the Oriental Institute, 25 , no. 3-4: . cite.
Schneider, Ulrich. 1972. "Affe Und Delphin." In Indo-Iranian Journal, 14 , no. 3-4: . cite.
Kauffmann, H. E. and Marius Schneider. 1960. "Lieder Aus Den Naga-Bergen." . cite.
Schneider, Marius. "." . cite.
Schneider, Paul. 1977. "." . cite.
Schneider, Paul. 1979. "Les Ideogrammes Vietnamiens: étude Sur L'écriture Nôm Au XVIème Siècle (Cahiers Du Centre D'études Et De Recherche De L'Asie Orientale Contemporaine 1),." . Approches Asie,. cite.
Xuân Phuc (P. Schneider). 1977. "Philologie Vietnamienne in Caractères Nôm." In Approches Asie (Revue du Centre d'études et de recherches de l'Asie orientale contemporaine) 1:7-21., . cite.
Schneider, E. E. 1921. "Dental Decoration." In American Anthropologist, 23 , no. 3: 379--380. American Anthropological Association. cite.
Schneider, David M. 1953. "Yap Kinship Terminology and Kin Groups." In American Anthropologist, 55 , no. 2: 215--236. American Anthropological Association. cite.
Schneider, David M. 1953. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 55 , no. 4: 582--584. American Anthropological Association. cite.
Schneider, David M. 1954. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 56 , no. 5: 911--912. American Anthropological Association. cite.
Schneider, David M. 1955. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 57 , no. 6: 1318--1320. American Anthropological Association. cite.
Schneider David M. and Homans George C. 1955. "Kinship Terminology and the American Kinship System." In American Anthropologist, 57 , no. 6: 1194--1208. American Anthropological Association. cite.
Schneider, David M. 1956. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 58 , no. 5: 953--954. American Anthropological Association. cite.
Schneider, Harold K. 1957. "The Subsistence Role of Cattle Among the Pakot and in East Africa." In American Anthropologist, 59 , no. 2: 278--300. American Anthropological Association. cite.
Schneider, David M. 1958. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 60 , no. 2: 381--382. American Anthropological Association. cite.
Schneider, David M. 1960. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 62 , no. 4: 696--697. American Anthropological Association. cite.
Schneider, Harold K. 1962. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 64 , no. 4: 862--864. American Anthropological Association. cite.
Schneider, David M. 1964. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 66 , no. 3: 663--664. American Anthropological Association. cite.
Schneider, Harold K. 1966. "Turu Esthetic Concepts." In American Anthropologist, 68 , no. 1: 156--160. American Anthropological Association. cite.
Schneider, David M. 1966. "Thanks and An Apology." In American Anthropologist, 68 , no. 4: 1020. American Anthropological Association. cite.
Schneider, David M. 1966. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 68 , no. 5: 1276--1277. American Anthropological Association. cite.
Schneider, Harold. 1967. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 69 , no. 5: 558--559. American Anthropological Association. cite.
Schneider, Harold K. 1968. "Exchange of Cattle in Africa." In American Anthropologist, 70 , no. 4: 757--758. American Anthropological Association. cite.
Schneider, Harold K. 1968. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 70 , no. 6: 1201--1202. American Anthropological Association. cite.
Schneider, Harold K. 1969. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 71 , no. 5: 931--932. American Anthropological Association. cite.
Schneider, Harold K. 1971. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 73 , no. 4: 983--984. American Anthropological Association. cite.
Schneider, Laurence A. 1981. "[Untitled]." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 101 , no. 3: 393--394. American Oriental Society. cite.
Schneider, Edgar W. 1994. "[Untitled]." In Language, 70 , no. 4: 857--858. Linguistic Society of America. cite.
Schneider, Stefan. 1995. "[Untitled]." In Language, 71 , no. 3: 637--638. Linguistic Society of America. cite.
Schneider, Irene. 2000. "[Untitled]." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 120 , no. 1: 147--148. American Oriental Society. cite.
Schneider, Laurence A. 1976. "[Untitled]." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 96 , no. 3: 480--481. American Oriental Society. cite.
Schneider, Edgar W. 1992. "[Untitled]." In Language, 68 , no. 1: 229--230. Linguistic Society of America. cite.
Schneider, Edgar W. 1993. "[Untitled]." In Language, 69 , no. 1: 201--202. Linguistic Society of America. cite.