Results197 papers found searching for papers by "shen" . Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 3, G-Index: 3 Selkirk, Elisabeth and Tong Shen. 1990. "Prosodic Domain S in Shanghai Chinese." In The phonology-syntax connection, edited by Sharon Inkelas and Draga Zec. 313-337. Univ. of Chicago Press. cite.
Shen, Xiaonan Susan. 1993. "Relative Duration As a Perceptual Cue To Stress in Mandarin." In L&S, 36 , no. 4: 415-433. cite.
Shen, Xiaonan Susan. 1990. "Tonal Coarticulation in Mandarin." In Journal of phonetics, 18 , no. 2: 281-295. cite.
Zhang, Yuansheng and Xingyun Wei. 1997. "Regional Variants and Vernaculars in Zhuang." In Comparative Kadai : the Tai branch, edited by Jerold A. Edmondson David B. Solnit Eds.. 77-96. Summer Inst. of Ling. Dallas, TX : Univ. of Texas at Arlington. cite.
Tian Desheng. 1982. "A Brief Description of the Tujia Language." In MZYW, 66-79. cite.
Shen, Xiaonan Susan. "The Prosody of Mandarin Chinese." . cite.
Zhang, Lian Sheng. The Consonant System of Middle-Old Tibetan and the Tonogenesis of Tibetan. PhD thesis, Univ. of California at Berkeley, 1987. cite.
Zhang, Zheng-sheng. Tone and Tone Sandhi in Chinese. PhD thesis, Ohio State Univ, 1988. cite.
Liu, Yingsheng. 1989. "Zur Urheimat Und Umsiedlung Der Toba." In Central Asiatic Journal, 33 , no. 1-2: . cite.
Shen, Xiaolong and Min Nuo. 1997. "The Cultural Characteristics of the Chinese Writing System and Feasibility of Its Reform." In Collected essays of Shen Xiaolong on Chinese cultural linguistics, edited by Xiaolong [author] Shen and Yihong Gao. 213-228. Northeast Normal University Press. cite.
Shen, Xiaolong and Han Pan. 1997. "The Spirit of the May 4th Language Reform and the Modernization of Chinese." In Collected essays of Shen Xiaolong on Chinese cultural linguistics, edited by Xiaolong [author] Shen and Yihong Gao. 67-83. Northeast Normal University Press. cite.
Tang, Sze-Wing and Chen-Sheng Luther Liu. xxxx. "On the Formal Way To Chinese Language." . cite.
Feng, Shengli. 2001. "Prosodically Constrained Bare-verb in Ba Constructions." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 29 , no. 2: . cite.
Shen, Xiaolong and Yanrong Chang. 1997. "Disparity Between Form and Spirit: the Dilemma of Modern Chinese Grammatical Studies." In Collected essays of Shen Xiaolong on Chinese cultural linguistics, edited by Xiaolong [author] Shen and Yihong Gao. 1-11. Northeast Normal University Press. cite.
Shenoy, Y. Umanatha. 1986. "Two Samskrit Inscriptions From Bantval." In Quarterly Journal of the Mythic Society, 77 , no. 4: . cite.
Ma, Jing-heng Sheng. xxxx. "Strange Friends, a Learning Guide: To Accompany the Video Film Strange Friends." . cite.
Zhuang, Yuansheng and Xingyun Wei. 1997. "Regional Variants and Vernaculars in Zhuang." In Comparative Kadai: the Tai branch, edited by Jerold A. Edmondson and David B. Solnit. 77-96. Summer Institute of Linguistics. cite.
Zhang, Zheng-sheng. 1989. "On the Notion of 'word Tone'." In Proceedings of the third Ohio State University Conference on Chinese Linguistics (13-14 May 1988), edited by Marjorie K.M. Chan and Thomas Ernst. 54-77. Indiana University Linguistics Club Publications. cite.
Chi, Wen-Shen. 1981. "Some Semantic Changes of the Chinese Language Since 1949." In Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 16 , no. 1: . cite.
Shen, Helen H. 2005. "Linguistic Complexity and Beginning-level L2 Chinese Reading." In Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 40 , no. 3: . cite.
Shen, Hsueh-man. 2003. "Pictorial Representations of the Buddha's Nirvana in Chinese Relic Deposits." In East Asia Journal: Studies in Material Culture, 1 , no. 1: . cite.
Ker, Sur-Jin, Jyun-Sheng Chang and John S. Liu. 1992. "Compression of Chinese Text Through Word Segmentation." In Intelligent systems for processing oriental languages: proceedings of the 1992 International Conference on Computer Processing of Chinese and Oriental Languages, December 15-18, 1992, edited by Julius T. Tou and Joseph J. Liang. 169-173. Chinese Language Computer Society. cite.
Feng, Shengli. 1997. "Prosodically Determined Word-formation in Mandarin Chinese." In Social Sciences in China, 18 , no. 4: . cite.
Wu, Shengqing. 2004. "'Old Learning' and the Refeminization of Modern Space in the Lyric Poetry of Lu Bicheng." In Modern Chinese Literature and Culture, 16 , no. 2: . cite.
Shen, Susan Xiaonan. 1988. "Identifying Topic in Chinese Through Prosodic Features." In Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 23 , no. 2: . cite.
Shen, Guowei and Joachim Kurtz. 2001. "The Creation of Technical Terms in English-Chinese Dictionaries From the Nineteenth Century." In New terms for new ideas: Western knowledge and lexical change in late imperial China. Leiden; Boston, Mass, edited by Michael Lackner et al.. 287-304. Brill. cite.
Huang, Chu-Ren, Chao-Jan Chen and Claude C.C. Shen. 2002. "The Nature of Categorical Ambiguity and Its Implications For Language Processing: a Corpus-based Study of Mandarin Chinese." In Sentence processing in East Asian languages. Stanford, Calif, edited by Mineharu Nakayama. 53-83. CSLI Publications. cite.
Shenoy, Y. Umanath. 1985. "The Mudabidre Copper Plate Inscription of Chauta Abbakka Devi." In Quarterly Journal of the Mythic Society, 76 , no. 1-2: . cite.
Zhou, Qingsheng. 1993. "An Anthropological Perspective in Tai Kinship Terminology." In South East Asian Review, 18 , no. 1-2: . cite.
Gyaltshen, Dorji. 1990. "Language of Bhutan and Publishing." In Asian Pacific Book Development, 21 , no. 1: . cite.
Ku, Therese Shen. 1958. "Present Status of Chinese Linguistics." In An evaluation of Chinese studies in American universities and colleqes, 1958-1975, edited by Paul K.T. Sih. 106-115. Center of Asian Studies, St. John's University. cite.
Zhu, Chunshen. 2005. "Integration of Form and Content For Communication Through Translation: with Reference To Pronouns in Chinese Discourse." In Among the best: Stephen C. Soong Chinese translation studies awards 1999-2004 (volume 2), edited by Eva Hung. 154-176. Research Centre for Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. cite.
Shen, Xiaolong and Yihong Gao. 1997. "On the Humanistic Spirit of Chinese Characters." In Collected essays of Shen Xiaolong on Chinese cultural linguistics, edited by Xiaolong [author] Shen and Yihong Gao. 229-240. Northeast Normal University Press. cite.
Shen, Xiaonan Susan and Maocan Lin. 1991. "Concept of Tone in Mandarin Revisited : a Perceptual Study On Tonal Coarticulation." In Language sciences, 13 , no. 3-4: 421-432. cite.
Liu, Chen-Sheng Luther. 2001. "Antilogophoricity, Sympathy and the Sympathetic Antilogophor Renjia." In Journal of East Asian linguistics, 10 , no. 4: 307-336. cite.
Shen, Xiao-nan. 1989. "Interplay of the Four Citation Tones and Intonation in Mandarin Chinese." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 17 , no. 1: . cite.
Shen, Xiaolong and Yihong Gao. xxxx. "*Collected Essays of Shen Xiaolong On Chinese Cultural Linguistics." . cite.
Shenoy, Y. Umanath. 2002. "The Sandalli Inscription of Kamadevarasa-I of Chandavara [King Vira Kamadevarasa-I (1233-1288 A.D)]." In Quarterly Journal of the Mythic Society, 93 , no. 1: . cite.
Sheng, Yan and Qi Chao Ou. 1992. "O Estatuto Oficial Da Lingua Chinesa E a Sua Aprendizagem Pelos Funcionarios Publicos." In Administracao, 5 , no. 16: . cite.
Shen, Xiaonan Susan. 1986. "Phonology of the Prosody of Mandarin Chinese." In Cahiers de linguistique Asie Orientale, 15 , no. 1: 171-178. cite.
Hummel, Siegbert. 1992. "Gshen." In Bulletin of Tibetology, , no. 3. cite.
Zhou, Qinsheng. 1992. "Aspects of Chinese Ethnosociolinguistic Studies: a Report On the Literature." In News from China: minority languages in perspective: with a note on transliteration problems in the Chinese context, edited by Hongkai Sun and Florian Coulmas. 59-73. Mouton De Gruyter. cite.
Fang, Yan, Edward Mcdonald and Musheng Cheng. 1995. "On Theme in Chinese : From Clause To Discourse." In On subject and theme : a discourse functional perspective, edited by Ruqaiya Hasan Peter H. Fries. 235-273. Benjamins. cite.
Ye, Feisheng. 1989. "Advances of Grammatical Analysis in China, 1978-1988." In China, Nhae und Ferne: deutsch-chinesische Beziehungen in Geschichte und Gegenwart: zum 60. Geburtstag von Kuo Heng-yu. Frankfurt a.M, edited by Bettina Gransow and Mechthild Leutner. 275-283. P. Lang. cite.
Shen, Xiaolong and Ping Cai. 1997. "Phrase-chunk As Basic Element, Logic As Linking Device, and Fulfillment of Expression As Sentence Boundary: a New Theory of Chinese Sentence Types." In Collected essays of Shen Xiaolong on Chinese cultural linguistics, edited by Xiaolong [author] Shen and Yihong Gao. 23-34. Northeast Normal University Press. cite.
Shenoy, Y. Umanath. 1985. "The Modabidre Copper Plate Inscription of Chauta Chikkaraya Wodeya." In Quarterly Journal of the Mythic Society, 76 , no. 3-4: . cite.
Koul, Maharaj Krishen. xxxx. "Dari and Kashmiri: a Comparative Study of Vowels." In Kurukshetra University Research Journal: Arts and Humanities, 157-161. cite.
Chuang, Shen. 1971. "Ming and Ch'ing Exotica: a Reflection of Literary Taste." In Journal of Oriental Studies, 9 , no. 1: . cite.
Shen, Xiaolong and Zhanzi Li. 1997. "The Tradition of Word-class Studies in Chinese Philology." In Collected essays of Shen Xiaolong on Chinese cultural linguistics, edited by Xiaolong [author] Shen and Yihong Gao. 297-321. Northeast Normal University Press. cite.
Shen, Xiaolong and Edward Mcdonald. 1997. "Making Our Way Out of Numbness and Depression." In Collected essays of Shen Xiaolong on Chinese cultural linguistics, edited by Xiaolong [author] Shen and Yihong Gao. 347-362. Northeast Normal University Press. cite.
Guo, Jiansheng. 1993. "Sentence Subjects and the Assignment of Target of Modal Force: Children's Use of the Mandarin Modal Auxiliary Dei 'hafta'." In The proceedings of the twenty-fourth annual Child Lanuage Research Forum, edited by Eve V. Clark. 87-98. Published for the Stanford Linguistics Association by the Center for the Study of Language and Information. cite.
Jeng, Bor-Shenn. 1994. "The Study of Speech Processing and Character Recognition At Telecommunication Laboratories (TL)." In In: ISSIPNN '94: 1994 International Symposium on Speech, Image Processing and Neutral Networks: proceedings vol.1, 137-141. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. cite.
Feng, Shengli. 1996. "Prosodically Constrained Syntactic Changes in Early Archaic Chinese." In Journal of East Asian linguistics, 5 , no. 4: 323-371. cite.
Shen, Xiaolong and Ting Yan. 1997. "Topic-comment Sentences in Chinese and Their Typological Significance." In Collected essays of Shen Xiaolong on Chinese cultural linguistics, edited by Xiaolong [author] Shen and Yihong Gao. 143-164. Northeast Normal University Press. cite.
Shenoy, Umanath Y. 1997. "Gopalakrishna Temple Copper Plate Inscription of Sankaradevi Ajila." In Quarterly Journal of the Mythic Society, 88 , no. 3: . cite.
Shenoy, Y. Umanatha. 2004. "Inscription On the Jaina Mutt of Karkala." In Quarterly Journal of the Mythic Society, 95 , no. 3: . cite.
Shen, Xiaolong and Han Pan. 1997. "Linguistics: Leading Ahead or Falling Behind?" In Collected essays of Shen Xiaolong on Chinese cultural linguistics, edited by Xiaolong [author] Shen and Yihong Gao. 84-91. Northeast Normal University Press. cite.
Hsueh, Feng-sheng. 1980. "The Phonemic Structure of Pekingese Finals and Their R-suffixation." In Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica = Chung yang yen chiu yuan. Li shih yu yen yen chiu so, 51 , no. 3: . cite.
Lee, Shin-Ying, David H. Uttal and Chuansheng Chen. 1995. "Writing Systems and Acquisition of Reading in American, Chinese and Japanese First-graders." In Scripts and literacy : reading and learning to read alphabets, syllabaries and characters, 247-263. Kluwer Academic Publishers. cite.
Zhang, Zheng-sheng. 1998. "CALL [Computer-Assisted Language Learning] For Chinese: Issues and Practice." In Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 33 , no. 1: . cite.
Shen, Sinyan. xxxx. "Chao Yuen-Ren [obituary]." In Chinese Music, 5 , no. 1: . cite.
Zhang, Zheng-sheng. 1997. "Focus, Presupposition and the Formation of A-not-A Questions in Chinese." In Journal of Chinese linguistics, 25 , no. 2: 227-257. cite.
Kyratzis, Amy and Jiansheng Guo. 1996. "Separate Worlds For Girls and Boys? Views From U.S. and Chinese Mixed-sex Friendship Groups." In Social interaction, social context, and language: essays in honor of Susan Ervin-Tripp. Mahwah, N.J, edited by Dan Isaac, et al. Slobin. 555-577. Lawrence, Erlbaum Associates. cite.
Zhang, Zheng-sheng. 1997. "Aspectual Properties of Definite & Indefinite NPs." In The referential properties of Chinese noun phrases, edited by Liejiong Xu. 99-115. Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales. cite.
Shen, Xiaolong and Zhong Guo. 1997. "Bright Hope For the Future: Chinese Cultural Linguistics." In Collected essays of Shen Xiaolong on Chinese cultural linguistics, edited by Xiaolong [author] Shen and Yihong Gao. 35-43. Northeast Normal University Press. cite.
Shenoy, Y. Umanatha. 1990. "Aladangadi Inscription of Ramadevi." In Indian history and epigraphy: Dr.G.S. Gai felicitation volume, edited by K.V. Ramesh et al.. 62-63. Agam Kala Prakashan. cite.
Cheng, Lisa Lai-Shen and Rint Sybesma. 2005. "A Chinese Relative." In Organizing grammar: studies in honor of Henk van Riemsdijk, edited by Hans, et al. Broekhuis. 69-76. Mouton de Gruyter. cite.
Yuan, Fangyuan and Maiheng Shen Dietrich. 2004. "Formal Instruction, Grammatical Teachability, and Acquisition of Chinese As a Second / Foreign Language." In Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 39 , no. 2: . cite.
Shen, Xiaolong and Haifang Wang. 1997. "The Human Subject's Perspective and the Humanistic Spirit in Chinese Characters." In Collected essays of Shen Xiaolong on Chinese cultural linguistics, edited by Xiaolong [author] Shen and Yihong Gao. 241-262. Northeast Normal University Press. cite.
Zhang, Liansheng. 1988. "A Quantitative Study of the Preservation in Modern Tibetan of Ancient Tibetan Final Stop *-k." In Tibetan studies: proceedings of the 4th seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Schloss Hohenkammer, Munich 1985, edited by Helga Uebach and Jampa Losang Panglung. 567-582. cite.
Shen, Xiaolong and Zongxin Feng. 1997. "The Ontology of Chinese Grammar and Methodology of Chinese Grammatical Studies: Viewed From a Cultural Perspective." In Collected essays of Shen Xiaolong on Chinese cultural linguistics, edited by Xiaolong [author] Shen and Yihong Gao. 165-193. Northeast Normal University Press. cite.
Feng, Shengli. 2004. "Prosodic Structure and Its Implications For Teaching Chinese As a Second Language." In Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 39 , no. 1: . cite.
Shen, Xiaolong and Guisen Tian. 1997. "Chinese Language Studies As Cultural Interpretation: the Research Paradigm of Cultural Linguistics." In Collected essays of Shen Xiaolong on Chinese cultural linguistics, edited by Xiaolong [author] Shen and Yihong Gao. 279-296. Northeast Normal University Press. cite.
Ma, Jing-heng Sheng. xxxx. "A Great Wall: a Learning Guide To Accompany the Video Film A Great Wall." . cite.
Chen, Ta-sheng. xxxx. "Corpus D'inscriptions Arabes Et Persanes En Chine." . cite.
Shen, Jingfang. 1994. "Revitalization of the Culture and Ethnic Minorities Traditions." In Vietnamese Studies, , no. 42. cite.
Cheng, Lisa Lai-Shen. 2000. "Moving Just the Feature [compares German and Hindi]." In Wh-scope marking, edited by Uli Lutz et al.. 77-99. John Benjamins. cite.
Cheng, Lisa Lai Shen. 1991. "Feature Geometry of Vowels and Co-occurrence Restrictions in Cantonese." In The proceedings of the ninth west coast conference on formal linguistics. Stanford, Calif, edited by Aaron L. Halpern. 107-124. Published for the Stanford Linguistics Association by the Center for the Study of Language and Information. cite.
Shendge, Malati J. 1985. "The Asokan Brahmi: Alphabet or Syllabary?" In Journal of Indian History, 63 , no. 1-3: . cite.
Shen, Zhongwei. 1999. "Periodization As a Type of Linguistic Classification." In Journal of Chinese linguistics, 27 , no. 2: 132-145. cite.
Cheng, Lisa Lai-Shen. 1995. "On Dou -quantification." In Journal of East Asian linguistics, 4 , no. 3: 197-234. cite.
Shen, Victor T-C. and Tsung-ren Yang. 1995. "A Linguistic Investigation of Aphasic Chinese Speech By Jerome L. Packard [review Article]." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 23 , no. 2: . cite.
Shendge, Malati J. 1994. "The Language of the Harappans: An Unconcerned Possibility." In Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, 75: . cite.
Cheng, Lisa Lai-shen and Elizabeth Ritter. 1988. "A Small Clause Analysis of Inalienable Possession in Mandarin and French." In In: North Eastern Linguistic Society: proceedings 18, vol. 2. Amherst, Mass, 65-78. North Eastern Linguistic Society. cite.
Fang, Sheng-ping. 1989. "A Default Technique For the Phonetic Approach To Retrieving Chinese Characters." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 17 , no. 1: . cite.
Shen, Xiaolong, Yabin Hu and Yihong Gao. 1997. "An Outline of Chinese Cultural Linguistics." In Collected essays of Shen Xiaolong on Chinese cultural linguistics, edited by Xiaolong [author] Shen and Yihong Gao. 44-66. Northeast Normal University Press. cite.
Shen, Zhongwei. 1994. "The Tones in the Wújiāng Dialect." In Journal of Chinese linguistics, 22 , no. 2: 278-315,. cite.
Liu, Chen-Sheng Luther. 2004. "Antilogophoricity, Epithets and the Empty Antilogophor in Chinese." In Journal of East Asian linguistics, 13 , no. 3: 257-287. cite.
Bhat, Roop Krishen. 2004. "Threats To Cultural Traditions Due To Displacement." In Kashmir and it's people: studies in the evolution of Kashmiri society, edited by M.K. Kaw. 419-436. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation. cite.
Shen, Li. 2004. "Aspect Agreement and Light Verbs in Chinese : a Comparison with Japanese." In Journal of East Asian linguistics, 13 , no. 2: 141-179. cite.
Zhou, Qingsheng. 1992. "A Selected Bibliography of Chinese Ethnosociolinguistics 1890-1990." In News from China: minority languages in perspective: with a note on transliteration problems in the Chinese context, edited by Hongkai Sun and Florian Coulmas. 97-118. Mouton De Gruyter. cite.
Shanabhag, D.N. 1990. "Shennoi Goembab's Konkani Grammar." In International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics, 19 , no. 2: . cite.
Shenoy, Y. Umanath. 1990. "The Inscriptions On Dharmasthala: the Controversy Solved." In Quarterly Journal of the Mythic Society, 81 , no. 1-2: . cite.
Liu, Chen-Sheng Luther. 2003. "Pure Reflexivity, Pure Identity, Focus and Chinese Ziji-benshen." In Journal of East Asian linguistics, 12 , no. 1: 19-58. cite.
Shen, Xiaolong and Gaiping Feng. 1997. "The Classical Rhetoric Tradition: Chinese Vs. Western." In Collected essays of Shen Xiaolong on Chinese cultural linguistics, edited by Xiaolong [author] Shen and Yihong Gao. 263-278. Northeast Normal University Press. cite.
Zhou, Qingsheng. 2004. "The Creation of Writing Systems and Nation Establishment: the Case of China in the 1950s." In Language policy in the People's Republic of China: theory and practice since 1949, edited by Minglang Zhou and Hongkai Sun. 55-70. Kluwer Academic Publishers. cite.
Zhang, Zheng-sheng. 1987. "The Paradox of Tianjin: Another Look." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 15 , no. 2: . cite.
Bhat, Roopkrishen. xxxx. "Linguistics and Language Teaching." . cite.
Shen, Zhongwei. 1990. "Lexical Diffusion: a Population Perspective and a Mathematical Model." In Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 18 , no. 1: . cite.
Shen, Jialin. 1993. "Les Deux Particules Le En Chinois." In Actes du XVe Congres international des linguistes: Quebec, Universite Laval, 9-14 aout 1992: les langues menacees = Proceedings of the XVth International Congress of Linguists: Quebec, Universite Laval, 9-14 August 1992: endangered languages, edited by Andre Crochetiere et al.. 227-230. Presses de l'Universite Laval. cite.
Soong, Samson Chu-shen. xxxx. "A Chinese-English Glossary If International Relations Terminology." . cite.
Chang, Pao-Cung and Bor-Shenn Jen. 1988. "Tone Recognition of Isolated Mandarin Monosyllables." 531-535. In: International Conference on Computer Processing of Chinese and Oriental Languages (. cite.
Cheng, Lisa Lai Shen. 1989. "Transitivity Alternations in Mandarin Chinese." In Proceedings of the third Ohio State University Conference on Chinese Linguistics (13-14 May 1988), edited by Marjorie K.M. Chan and Thomas Ernst. 81-94. Indiana University Linguistics Club Publications. cite.
Hsueh, Feng-sheng. xxxx. "Phonology of Old Mandarin." . cite.
Shen, Xiaolong and Zhong Guo. 1997. "Four Characteristics of Chinese: Meaning Perception, Flow of Phrase-chunks, Combination of Xu and Shi, and Use of Concrete Images." In Collected essays of Shen Xiaolong on Chinese cultural linguistics, edited by Xiaolong [author] Shen and Yihong Gao. 12-22. Northeast Normal University Press. cite.
Guo, Longsheng. 2004. "The Relationship Between Putonghua and Chinese Dialects." In Language policy in the People's Republic of China: theory and practice since 1949, edited by Minglang Zhou and Hongkai Sun. 45-54. Kluwer Academic Publishers. cite.
Chen, Sheng Bao. 1988. "Chinese Borrowings From the Japanese Language." In Japan Foundation Newsletter, 15 , no. 5-6: . cite.
Zhu, Chunshen. 2005. "Perception and Cognition in Translating Chinese Landscape Poetry: a Case Study of Liu Zongyuan's Poem 'River Snow'." In Among the best: Stephen C. Soong Chinese translation studies awards 1999-2004 (volume 2), edited by Eva Hung. 177-195. Research Centre for Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. cite.
Bhat, Roopkrishen. xxxx. "A Descriptive Study of Kashmiri." . cite.
Fang, Sheng-ping, Ruey-yun Horng and Ovid Tzeng. 1986. "Consistency Effects in the Chinese Character and Pseudo-character Naming Tasks." In Linguistics, psychology, and the Chinese language, edited by Henry S.R. Kao and Rumjahn Hoosain. 11-21. Centre of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong. cite.
Wu, Jiemin, Wenzhong He and Sheng Yu. 2000. "The Matrix and Parameters of the 'juigong-modes' of Chinese Basic Intonation." In Social Sciences in China, 21 , no. 4: . cite.
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Cheng, Lisa Lai-Shen and C.-T. James Huang. 1996. "Two Types of Donkey Sentences." In Natural language semantics, 4 , no. 2: 121-163. cite.
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Cheng, Lisa Lai-Shen and Rint Sybesma. 1998. "On Dummy Objects and the Transitivity of Run." In Linguistics in the Netherlands 1998, edited by Renée van Bezooijen René Kager. 81-93. Benjamins. cite.
Cheng, Lisa Lai-Shen and Rint Sybesma. 2004. "Postverbal “can” in Cantonese (and Hakka) and Agree." In Lingua : international review of general linguistics, 114 , no. 4: 419-445. cite.
Cheng, Lisa Lai-Shen. 2007. "Verb Copying in Mandarin Chinese." In The copy theory of movement, edited by Norbert Corver and Jairo Nuñes. 151-174. Benjamins. cite.
Feng, Shengli. 2002. "Prosodic Syntax and Morphology in Chinese." ii, 143 p. LINCOM Europa. cite.
Feng, Shengli. "Prosodically Motivated Passive Bei Constructions in Classical Chinese." . cite.
Gauthier, Bruno, Rushen Shi and Yi Xu. 2007. "Learning Phonetic Categories By Tracking Movements." In Cognition : international journal of cognitive science, 103 , no. 1: 80-106. cite.
Guo, Jiansheng. 1993. "Discourse Motivations For the Development of Mandarin Modal Auxiliaries." In The proceedings of the twenty-fifth annual child language research forum, edited by Eve V. Clark. Stanford, CA, 315-323. Center for the Study of Language and Information. cite.
Guo, Jiansheng. 1999. "From Information To Emotion : the Affective Function of Right-dislocation in Mandarin Chinese." In Journal of pragmatics : an interdisciplinary monthly of language studies, 31 , no. 9: 1103-1128. cite.
Guo, Jiansheng. 1992. "Sentence Subjects and the Assignment of Target of Modal Force : Children’s Use of the Mandarin Model Auxiliary Deͅi “hafta”." In The proceedings of the twenty-fourth annual child language research forum, edited by Eve V. Clark. Stanford, CA, 87-98. Center for the Study of Language and Information. cite.
Guo, Jiansheng. 1995. "The Interactional Basis of the Mandarin Modal Néng "can"." In Modality in grammar and discourse, edited by Joan Bybee and Suzanne Fleischman. 205-238. Benjamins. cite.
He, Chuansheng. 2003. "Linguistic Contributions To the Success of Silicon Valley’s Hi-tech Global Brands." In Rask: international tidsskrift for sprog og kommunikation, 18: 31-48. cite.
He, Chuansheng and Yunnan Xiao. 2003. "Brand Name Translation in China : An Overview of Practice and Theory." In Babel : revue internationale de la traduction = international journal of translation, 49 , no. 2: 131-148. cite.
Hung, Feng-Sheng and Ann M. Peters. 1997. "The Role of Prosody in the Acquisition of Grammatical Morphemes : Evidence From Two Chinese Languages." In Journal of child language, 24 , no. 3: 627-650. cite.
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