Results15 papers found searching for papers by "snyder" . Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 0, G-Index: 0 Ohta, Amy Snyder. 2001. "Japanese Second Language Acquisition in the Classroom: What the Voices of Teachers and Students Tell Us About the Process of Learning Japanese." In Advances in Japanese language pedagogy, edited by Hiroshi Nara. 93-136. National East Asian Languages Resource Center, Ohio State University. cite.
Ohta, Amy Snyder. 2005. "Confirmation Checks: a Discourse Analytic Reanalysis." In Japanese Language and Literature, 39 , no. 2: . cite.
Snyder, Wil C. and Tianqiao Lu. 1997. "Wuming Zhuang Tone Sandhi : a Phonological Syntactic and Lexical Investigation." In Comparative Kadai : the Tai branch, edited by Jerold A. Edmondson David B. Solnit Eds.. 107-137. Summer Inst. of Ling. Dallas, TX : Univ. of Texas at Arlington. cite.
Ohta, Amy Snyder. 2000. "Rethinking Recasts: a Learner-centered Examination of Corrective Feedback in the Japanese Language Classroom." In Second and foreign language through classroom interaction. Mahwah, N.J, edited by Joan Kelly Hall and Lorrie Stoops Verplaetse. 47-71. Lawrence Erlbaum. cite.
Ohta, Amy Snyder. 1993. "The Foreign Language Learner in Japanese Society: Successful Learners of Japanese Respond To Miller's 'Law of Inverse Returns'." In Journal of the Association of Teachers of Japanese, 27 , no. 2: . cite.
Snyder, Wendy. 1993. "Grammatical Factors in the Acquisition of Complex Structures in Japanese." In Japanese / Korean linguistics, volume 3. Stanford, Calif, edited by Soonja Choi. 100-118. Published for the Stanford Linguistics Association by the Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford University. cite.
Creswell, Cassandre and Kieran Snyder. 2000. "Passive and Passive-like Constructions in Hmong." In Proceedings of the West Coast conference on formal linguistics, 19: 71-82. cite.
Snyder, Laurence K. 1956. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 58 , no. 2: 396. American Anthropological Association. cite.
Snyderman, George S. 1959. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 61 , no. 1: 145. American Anthropological Association. cite.
Snyder, Charles R. 1962. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 64 , no. 1: 209--210. American Anthropological Association. cite.
Snyder, Richard G. 1967. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 69 , no. 5: 539--540. American Anthropological Association. cite.
Gehman, Henry Snyder. 1938. "The Relations Between the Hebrew Text of Ezekiel and That of the John H. Scheide Papyri." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 58 , no. 1: 92--102. American Oriental Society. cite.
Gehman, Henry Snyder. 1950. "Exegetical Methods Employed By the Greek Translator of I Samuel." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 70 , no. 4: 292--296. American Oriental Society. cite.
Snyder, William. 2001. "On the Nature of Syntactic Variation: Evidence From Complex Predicates and Complex Word-Formation." In Language, 77 , no. 2: 324--342. Linguistic Society of America. cite.
STATSDJVUPDF Snyder, Donna. 1998. "Folk Wisdom in Bouyei Proverbs and Songs." In The International Conference on Tai Studies, edited by Somsonge Burusphat. Bangkok, Thailand, 61-88. Institute of Language and Culture for Rural Development, Mahidol University. cite.