Results18 papers found searching for papers by "sofronov" . Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 1, G-Index: 2 Sofronov, M. V. 1968. "Grammatika Tangutskogo Iazyka." . Moscow, Nauka,. cite.
Sofronov, M.V. 1984. "Pervyi Kitaiskii Alfabit." In Problemy Dal'nego Vostoka, , no. 2. cite.
Sofronov, M.V. xxxx. "Kitaiskii Iazyk I Kitalskoe Obshchestvo." . cite.
Sofronov, M.V. 1990. "Grammaticheskaia I Semanticheskaia Struktura Trekhslozhnykh Leksicheskikh Edinits Kitaiskogo Iazyka." In Aktual'nye voprosy kitaiskogo iazykoznaniia: materialy V Vsesoiuznoi konferentsii (Moskva, iiun' 1990 g.), edited by Vadim Mikhailovich Solntsev. 105-108. Izd-vo Nauka, Glav. red. vostochnoi lit-ry. cite.
Sofronov, M.V. 1973. "The Decipherment and Analysis of the Tangut Phonetics." In In: International Congress of Orientalists, 29th, Paris, 1973. Etudes Tibetaines. Section organisee par Ariane MacDonald. Paris: Section organisee par Jean Filliozat, 65-74. L'Asiatheque. cite.
Sofronov, M.V. 1991. "Chinese Philology and the Scripts of Central Asia." In Sino-Platonic Papers, , no. 28. cite.
Sofronov, M.V. 1992. "Tibetan Transcription of Tangut Script: the Problem of Prefixes." In Tibetan studies: proceedings of the 5th seminar of the International Association, edited by Shoren Ihara and Zuiho Yamaguchi. 735-740. Naritasan Shinshoji. cite.
Sofronov, M.V. 1981. "Novye Problemy Uproshcheniia Kitaiskoi Pis'mennosti." In Problemy Dal'nego Vostoka, , no. 3. cite.
Sofronov, M. V. 1991. "The Prosody of the Basic Units of Chin." In Slavistika, indoevropeistika, nostratika : k 60-letiju so dnja roždenija V. A. Dybo : tezisy dokladov : konferencija, 113-117. Inst. slavjanovedenija i balkanistiki. cite.
Sofronov, M. V. 1994. "Tibetan Transcriptions of the Tangut Script." In Jazyki i literatury Dal′nego Vostoka i Jugo-Vostočnoj Azii : materialy konferencii (18 - 20 janvarja 1994g., S.-Peterburg), 77-78. Sankt-Peterburgskij gosudarstvennyj univ., Vostočnyj fak., kafedra kitajskoj filologii. cite.
Sofronov, M. V. 1966. "." In VopI, , no. 4149-58. cite.
Sofronov, M. V. 1968. "." In NAA, , no. 1198-206. cite.
Sofronov, M. V. 1971. "Nekotorye Problemy Tanguskoi Filologii (V Sviazi S Publikatsiei More Pis'men)." In NAA, 119-27. cite.
Sofronov, M. V. 1973. "Problems in Tangut Structure." In Studia Turcologica Cracoviensia, . cite.
Sofronov, M. V. 1974. "Deshifrovki I Issledovanie Tangutskogo Iazyka." In VopI, 116-26. cite.
Sofronov, M. V. 1976. "The Decipherment and Analysis of the Tangut Phonetics." In Etudes tibétaines,, . Section organisée par Ariane MacDonald, PICO 29, Paris, l'Asiathèque:65-74.. cite.
Sofronov, M. V., and E. I. Kychanov. 1963. "Issledovaniia Po Fonetike Tangutskogo Iazyka." . Inst. narodov Azii,. cite.
Sofronov, M. V., and E. I. Kychanov. 1965. "Researches Concerning the Phonetics of the Tangut Language." In Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, , no. 18339-40. cite.