Results5 papers found searching for papers by "solntseva" . Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 1, G-Index: 1DJVUPDF Solntseva, V. Nina. 1996. "Case-marked Pronouns in the Taoih Language." In The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, 26: 33-36. cite.
Solntseva, Nina V. 1990. "Diachronic Change and Typology, As Illustrated with Languages of East and Southeast Asia." In Language typology 1987: systematic balance in language: papers from the Linguistic Typology Symposium, Berkeley 1-3 December 1987, edited by Winfred P. Lehmann. 139-146. John Benjamins. cite.
Solntseva, N.I. and O.G Ul'tsiferov. xxxx. "Khindi-russkii Slovar' Obshchestvenno-politicheskoi Leksiki." . cite.
Solntseva, V. Nina and M. Vadim Solntsev. 1996. "Genetive Case in Altaic Languages and in Some Languages of Southeast Asia." In Mon-Khmer Studies, 25: . cite.
STATSDJVUPDF Solntseva, V. Nina and M. Vadim Solntsev. 1996. "Genitive Case in Altaic Languages and in Some Languages of Southeast Asia." In The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, 25: 255-262. cite.