Results4 papers found searching for papers by "soth" . Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 1, G-Index: 1 Soth Polin. 1979. "Petit Dictionnaire Français-khmer,." . Christian and Missionary Alliance, Nyack, New York, with Comité Hulpverlenning z.o. Asie, Groningen, Netherlands,. cite.
Wongsothorn, Achara. 2004. "Thailand." In Language policies and language education: the impact in East Asian countries in the next decade. 2nd ed, edited by Wah Kam Ho and Ruth Y.L. Wong. 329-341. Eastern Universities Press. cite.
Vong Sotheara. 1998. "Two Problems in Pre-Angkorian Inscriptions and Their Historical Facts, Recently Discovered in Wat Prey Veng." In Khmer studies, edited by Vol. 1 . La khmerologie = khemarawidyā : proceedings of the International Conference on Khmer studies et al.. 560-592. [s.n.]. cite.
Cunningham, Francis A. 1915. "The Sothic Cycle Used By the Egyptians." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 34: 369--373. American Oriental Society. cite.