Results7 papers found searching for papers by "veena" . Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 2, G-Index: 2 Malhotra, Veena. 1982. "The Structure of Kharia: A Study of Linguistic Typology and Language Change." In Ph.D. Dissertation, . cite.
Veena Chantanakomes. A Description of Moken: a Malayo-Polynesian Language. Master thesis, Mahidol University, 1980. cite.
Naregal, Veena. 2000. "Language and Power in Pre-colonial Western India: Textual Hierarchies, Literate Audiences and Colonial Philology." In Indian Economic and Social History Review, 37 , no. 3: . cite.
Bahl, Veena. 1980. "Studies in Kharia Linguistics." In The passing scene in Chotanagpur: Sarat Roy commemorative volume, edited by P. Dash Sharma. 123-36. Maitryee. cite.
Das, Veena. 1973. "The Structure of Marriage Preferences: An Account From Pakistani Fiction." In Man, 8 , no. 1: . cite.
Naregal, Veena. 2004. "Vernacular Culture and Political Formation in Western India." In Print areas: book history in India, edited by Abhijit Gupta and Swapan Chakravorty. 139-168. Permanent Black. cite.
Monga, Veena. 1967. "On Bohannan and the Law." In American Anthropologist, 69 , no. 2: 227--228. American Anthropological Association. cite.