55 papers found searching for papers by "voegelin" .  Sorting results by frequency of citation.
This author's H-Index: 2, G-Index: 2
Voegelin, C. F., and F. M. Voegelin. 1977. "Classification and Index of the World's Languages,." . Elsevier,. cite. STATS (5)
Voegelin, C. F., and F. M. Voegelin. 1966. "Languages of the World: Indo-Pacific Fascicle Eight." In Acta linguistica Hafniensia : international journal of general linguistics, . cite. STATS (2)
Voegelin, C. F., and F. M. Voegelin. 1966. "Index To Languages of the World: M-Z." In Acta linguistica Hafniensia : international journal of general linguistics, . cite. STATS (1)
Voegelin, C.F. 1977. "Presuppositional Culture Spaces." In Anthropological Linguistics, 19 , no. 7: . cite. STATS
Voegelin, C. F., and F. M. Voegelin. 1964. "Languages of the World: Indo-Pacific Fascicle One." In Acta linguistica Hafniensia : international journal of general linguistics, . cite. STATS
Voegelin, C. F., and F. M. Voegelin. 1965. "Languages of the World: Sino-Tibetan Fascicle Five." In Acta linguistica Hafniensia : international journal of general linguistics, . cite. STATS
Voegelin, F. M. "." . cite. STATS
Voegelin, Ch. F. 1933. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 35 , no. 2: 356--358. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Voegelin, Erminie W. 1933. "Kiowa-Crow Mythological Affiliations." In American Anthropologist, 35 , no. 3: 470--474. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Voegelin, Erminie W. 1935. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 37 , no. 4: 675. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Voegelin, C. F. 1935. "Shawnee Phonemes." In Language, 11 , no. 1: 23--37. Linguistic Society of America. cite. STATS
Voegelin, Erminie W. 1936. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 38 , no. 1: 113--114. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Voegelin, C. F. 1936. "On Being Unhistorical." In American Anthropologist, 38 , no. 2: 344--350. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Voegelin, Erminie W. 1937. "Suicide in Northeastern California." In American Anthropologist, 39 , no. 3: 445--456. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Voegelin, C. F. 1937. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 39 , no. 4: 708--710. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Voegelin, C. F. 1938. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 40 , no. 4: 747. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Voegelin, C. F. 1941. "Internal Relationships of Siouan Languages." In American Anthropologist, 43 , no. 2: 246--249. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Voegelin, C. F. 1941. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 43 , no. 2: 283--284. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Voegelin, C. F. 1942. "Sapir: Insight and Rigor." In American Anthropologist, 44 , no. 2: 322--324. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Voegelin, Erminie W. 1942. "Shawnee Musical Instruments." In American Anthropologist, 44 , no. 3: 463--475. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Voegelin, C. F. 1945. "Relative Chronology of North American Linguistic Types." In American Anthropologist, 47 , no. 2: 232--234. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Voegelin, C. F. 1946. "Corrigenda and Addenda To Thirty Extinct Languages." In American Anthropologist, 48 , no. 2: 289. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Voegelin, Erminie W. 1946. "The Diffusion of a New Folk Custom." In American Anthropologist, 48 , no. 2: 290--292. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Voegelin C. F. and Harris Z. S. 1947. "The Scope of Linguistics." In American Anthropologist, 49 , no. 4: 588--600. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Voegelin, Erminie W. 1950. "Anthropology in American Universities." In American Anthropologist, 52 , no. 3: 350--391. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Voegelin, Ermine W. 1950. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 52 , no. 3: 394--395. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Voegelin, C. F. 1950. "A "Testing Frame" For Language and Culture." In American Anthropologist, 52 , no. 3: 432--435. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Voegelin, Erminie W. 1951. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 53 , no. 1: 92--93. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Voegelin C. F. and Harris Z. S. 1952. "Training in Anthropological Linguistics." In American Anthropologist, 54 , no. 3: 322--327. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Voegelin, C. F. 1954. "American Indian Linguistics in the Southwest: Comments." In American Anthropologist, 56 , no. 4: 635--637. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Voegelin, C. F. 1955. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 57 , no. 6: 1338. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Wheeler-Voegelin, Erminie. 1957. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 59 , no. 6: 1097. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Wheeler-Voegelin, Erminie. 1958. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 60 , no. 4: 797. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Voegelin, Florence M. 1959. "Anthropological Linguistics." In American Anthropologist, 61 , no. 1: 116--117. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Voegelin, C. F. 1959. "[Untitled]." In Language, 35 , no. 2: 385--388. Linguistic Society of America. cite. STATS
Voegelin, C. F. 1960. "Pregnancy Couvade Attested By Term and Text in Hopi." In American Anthropologist, 62 , no. 3: 491--494. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Wheeler-Voegelin, Erminie. 1960. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 62 , no. 6: 1077--1078. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Voegelin, C. F. 1961. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 63 , no. 4: 876--878. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Voegelin, C. F. 1962. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 64 , no. 4: 896--897. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Voegelin C. F. and Voegelin F. M. 1964. "Interdepartmental Communication." In American Anthropologist, 66 , no. 5: 1173. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Voegelin C. F. and Voegelin F. M. 1966. "A Reply To Postal." In American Anthropologist, 68 , no. 3: 756--757. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Voegelin C. F. and Voegelin F. M. 1967. "[Untitled]." In Language, 43 , no. 2: 573--583. Linguistic Society of America. cite. STATS
Voegelin, C. F. 1968. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 70 , no. 5: 1044--1045. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Voegelin, C. F. 1969. "[Untitled]." In American Anthropologist, 71 , no. 2: 366--367. American Anthropological Association. cite. STATS
Voegelin C. F. and Ellinghausen M. E. 1943. "Turkish Structure." In Journal of the American Oriental Society, 63 , no. 1: 34--65. American Oriental Society. cite. STATS
Voegelin, C. F. 1952. "[Untitled]." In Language, 28 , no. 3: 405--410. Linguistic Society of America. cite. STATS
Voegelin, C. F. 1940. "[Untitled]." In Language, 16 , no. 3: 251--257. Linguistic Society of America. cite. STATS
Voegelin, C. F. 1941. "Proto-Algonquian Consonant Clusters in Delaware." In Language, 17 , no. 2: 143--147. Linguistic Society of America. cite. STATS
Voegelin, C. F. 1942. "[Untitled]." In Language, 18 , no. 1: 69--73. Linguistic Society of America. cite. STATS
Voegelin, C. F. 1942. "Bibliography of American Indian Linguistics 1938-41." In Language, 18 , no. 2: 133--139. Linguistic Society of America. cite. STATS
Voegelin, C. F. 1944. "[Untitled]." In Language, 20 , no. 4: 264--270. Linguistic Society of America. cite. STATS
Voegelin C. F. and Harris Z. S. 1945. "Index To the Franz Boas Collection of Materials For American Linguistics." In Language, 21 , no. 3: 5-7+9-43. Linguistic Society of America. cite. STATS
Voegelin, C. F. 1947. "A Problem in Morpheme Alternants and Their Distribution." In Language, 23 , no. 3: 245--254. Linguistic Society of America. cite. STATS
Voegelin, C. F. 1948. "Distinctive Features and Meaning Equivalence." In Language, 24 , no. 1: 132--135. Linguistic Society of America. cite. STATS
Voegelin, C. F. 1956. "Phonemicizing For Dialect Study: With Reference To Hopi." In Language, 32 , no. 1: 116--135. Linguistic Society of America. cite. STATS