Report on "bauer1988khmer". Click to look up all papers by
DJVU PDF Bauer, C. 1988, "Khmer nasal affixes: Old Mon borrowing or Proto-Mon-Khmer retentions?", in The International Symposium on Language and Linguistics, ed. C. Bamroongraks et al., Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 248-257. Thammasat University. cite.
Paper "bauer1988khmer" cites 16 papers
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- STATS Bauer, C 1982, "Morphology and syntax of spoken Mon", PhD thesis, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. cite.
- STATS Huffman, F.E 1967, "An outline of Cambodian grammar", PhD thesis, Cornell University. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Jacob, J.M. 1993, "The structure of the word in Old Khmer", in Cambodian Linguistics, Literature and History, ed. D.A. Smyth, pp. 1-17. School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Jacob, J.M. 1963, "Prefixation and Infixation in Old Mon, Old Khmer, and Modern Khmer", in Linguistic Comparison in South East Asia and the Pacific, ed. H.L. Shorto, pp. 62-70. School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. cite.
- STATS Jacob, J.M. 1968, "Introduction to Cambodian", pp. xii, 341 pp.. Oxford University Press. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Jacob, J.M. 1976, "Affixation in Middle Khmer with Old and Modern Comparisons", in Austroasiatic Studies, ed. P.N. Jenner et al., Honolulu, pp. 591-624. The University Press of Hawaii. cite.
- STATS Jenner, P.N 1969, "Affixation in modern Khmer", PhD thesis, University of Hawaii. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Jenner, P. 1977, "Anomalous expansions in Khmer morphology", in The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, vol. 6, pp. 169-189. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Pinnow, H.-J. 1966, "A comparative study of the verb in the Munda languages", in Studies in Comparative Austroasiatic Linguistics, ed. N.H. Zide, pp. 96-193. Mouton & Co.. cite.
- STATS Schmidt, W.. 1906, "Die Mon-Khmer-Völker, ein Bindeglied zwischen Völkern Zentralasiens und Austronesiens", in Archiv fur Anthropologie 33, pp. 59-109. cite.
- STATS Schmidt, W.. 1916, "Einiges Uber das Infix mn und dessen Stellvertreter p in den austroasiatischen Sprachen", in Aufsatze zur kultur- und Sprachgeschichte vornehmlich des Orients, cite.
- STATS Shorto, H.L. 1969, "Mon labial clusters", in Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, no. 32, pp. 104-14. cite.
- STATS Shorto, H.L. 1971, "A dictionary of the Mon inscriptions,", in from the sixth to the sixteenth centuries, incorporating materials collected by the late C. O. Blagden (London Oriental series, 24), London, Oxford U. Press, xli, 406p., cite.
- STATS . , "", cite.
- STATS Thomas, D.M. 1984, "The deliberate causative in Surin Khmer", in JLC, pp. 79-93. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF You Sey. 1976, "Some Old Khmer affixation", in The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, vol. 5, pp. 85-95. cite.
Paper "bauer1988khmer" is cited by 4 papers
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- STATS . , "", cite.
- STATS . , "", cite.
- STATS . , "", cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Court, C. 1996, "The consonant "r" and laryngeal features in Southeast Asia: aspiration for Tai and a new register complex for Khmer", in The Fourth International Symposium on Language and Linguistics, Thailand, pp. 1627-1632. Institute of Language and Culture for Rural Development, Mahidol University. cite.
Author "Bauer" cites 103 authors
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Bauer, Clark, Shorto, Matisoff, Huffman, Jacob, Jenner, Pinnow, Schmidt, Siklos, Thomas, You, Benedict, Bhat, Bodman, Burling, Chang, Cheng, Downer, Gething, Goldstein, Haas, Anon, Harris, Hashimoto, Hoshi, Lau, Li, Löffler, Luce, Maotsung-wu, Marcus, Nagano, Nguyên, Nisa, Nishida, Norman, Ono, Ramsey, Sun, Svantesson, Thurgood, Weidert, Bernon, Gregerson, Hla, Pou, Thel, Halliday, Banker, Costello, Smith, Watson, Duroiselle, Bailey, Bandyopadhyay, Bradley, Brun, Egerod, Wun, Sakamoto, Shafer, Sherard, Solt, Stimson, Ferlus, Karnchana, Zoetmulder, Sarkar, Hamblin, Vanoverbergh, Yap, Bell, Bender, Blust, Echols, Elkins, Gedney, Greenberg, Jeremiassen, Starostin, Mcfarland, Ramos, Singh, Sethaputra, Tsuchida, Yu, Bai, Diffloth, English, Luo, Nakajima, Manomaivibool, Pulleyblank, Qu, Theraphan, Wang, Yue-hashimoto, Boltz, Diller, Nguyê͂n, Shen, Potisuk,
Author "Bauer" is cited by 17 authors
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Anderson, Bauer, Benedict, Bishop, Burenhult, Cheng, Court, Dryer, Hajek, Hogan, Jenny, Lim, Matisoff, Suwilai, Theraphan, Tsang, Vickery,