Report on "beckwith1994toward". Click to look up all papers by
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Paper "beckwith1994toward" cites 4 papers
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- STATS Delancey, S. 1986, "Toward a history of Tai classifier systems", in Noun classes and categorization, ed. C. Craig, pp. 437-452. Benjamins. cite.
- STATS Erbaugh, M.S. 1986, "Taking stock: the development of Chinese noun classifiers historically and in young children", in Noun classes and categorization, ed. C. Craig, pp. 399-436. Benjamins. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Lehman, F.K. 1990, "Outline of a formal syntax of numerical expressions with especial reference to the phenomenon of numeral classifiers", in Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 89-120. cite.
- STATS Placzek, J.A. 1978, "Classifiers in Standard Thai: a study of semantic relations between headwords and classifiers,", cite.
Author "Beckwith" cites 21 authors
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Benedict, Coblin, Delancey, Kitamura, Lapolla, Okell, Shafer, Thurgood, Uray, Erbaugh, Lehman, Placzek, Bradley, Conrady, Hyman, Inaba, Li, Pulleyblank, Róna-tas, Semichov, Wolfenden,
Author "Beckwith" is cited by 3 authors
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Feurer, Hongladarom, Krisadawan,