Report on "benedict1991austroasiatic". Click to look up all papers by
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Paper "benedict1991austroasiatic" cites 22 papers
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- STATS Benedict, P.K. 1947, "An analysis of Annamese kinship terms", in Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, vol. 3, pp. 371-92. cite.
- STATS Benedict, P.K. 1972, "The Sino-Tibetan tonal system", in {\fr <Langues et techniques, nature et société>, ed. J. Barrau and . al., pp. 25-34. Klincksieck. cite.
- STATS Benedict, P.K. 1975, "Austro-Thai: language and culture, with a glossary of roots", pp. xxiv, 490 pp., map. Human Relations Area Files Press. cite.
- STATS Benedict, P.K. 1976, "Sino-Tibetan: Another Look", in Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 96, no. 2, pp. 167--197. American Oriental Society. cite.
- STATS Benedict, P.K. 1976, "Early Chinese borrowings", in In: Genetic relationship, diffusion and typological similarities of East and Southeast Asian languages: papers for the 1st Japan-US Joint Seminar on East & Southeast Asian linguistics, pp. 60-100. The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. cite.
- STATS Benedict, P.K. 1978, "Chinese cryptoglyphics", cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Benedict, P.K. 1979, "Four forays into Karen linguistic history", in Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 1-35. cite.
- STATS Benedict, P.K. 1979, "Vocalic transfer: a Southeast Asian areal feature", in Acta Orientalia, vol. 40, pp. 229-52. cite.
- STATS Benedict, P.K. 1980, "The PST tone/accent system: additional TB data", cite.
- STATS Bodman, N.C. 1980, "Proto-Chinese and Sino-Tibetan: data towards establishing the nature of the relationship", in Contributions to historical linguistics: issues and materials, ed. F.. Coetsem and L. Waugh, pp. 34-199. E. J. Brill. cite.
- STATS . , "", cite.
- STATS Forrest, R.A.D. 1962, "The Linguistic Position of Rong (Lepcha)", in Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 82, no. 3, pp. 331--335. American Oriental Society. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Headley, R.K.,Jr. 1976, "Some Sources of Chamic Vocabulary", in Austroasiatic Studies, ed. P.N. Jenner et al., Honolulu, pp. 453-476. The University Press of Hawaii. cite.
- STATS Hodgson, B.H. 1847, "On the aborigines of the sub-Himalayas", in Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, vol. 16, pp. 1235-44. (Reprinted in Hodgson 1874.II:29-36). cite.
- STATS Matisoff, J.A. 1973, "The Mon-Khmer substratum in Tibeto-Burman", in FICAL., cite.
- STATS Norman, J., and Mei Tsu-Lin. 1976, "The Austroasiatics in ancient south China: some lexical evidence", in MS, no. 32, pp. 274-301. cite.
- STATS Norman, J., and Mei Tsu-Lin. 1976, "The Austroasiatics in ancient south China: some lexical evidence", in MS, no. 32, pp. 274-301. cite.
- STATS Shafer, R. 1952, "Etudes sur I'asutroasian", in BSL 48, pp. 111ff. cite.
- STATS Smith, K.D. 1972, "A phonological reconstruction of Proto-North-Bahnaric (Language data, Asian-Pacific series, no. 2), Santa Ana, CA, SIL, 109p", in (Dallas, SILMP), cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Smith, K.D. 1975, "The velar animal prefix in Vietnamese languages", in Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 1-18. cite.
- STATS Solnit, D.B. 1979, "Aspects of the diachronic phonology of the Konyak languages", in Studia Turcologica Cracoviensia, cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Zide, A.R.K. and Zide, N.H. 1976, "Proto-Munda Cultural Vocabulary: Evidence for Early Agriculture", in Austroasiatic Studies, ed. P.N. Jenner et al., Honolulu, pp. 1295-1334. The University Press of Hawaii. cite.
Paper "benedict1991austroasiatic" is cited by 2 papers
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- STATS DJVU PDF Benedict, P.K. 1990, "How to tell Lai: an exercise in classification", in Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 1-26. cite.
- STATS Cook, R.S. 1995, "The etymology of Chinese <i>Chén</i>", in Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 1-232. cite.
Author "Benedict" cites 64 authors
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Benedict, Downer, Huffman, Maspero, Thompson, Egerod, Bauman, Bodman, Bradley, Das, Delancey, Kepping, Lehman, Li, Lorrain, Matisoff, Michailovsky, Serruys, Thurgood, Weidert, Marrison, Bonifacy, Chang, Shafer, Benjamin, Delcros, Diffloth, Ferlus, Headley, Henderson, Jenner, Lindell, Luce, Pinnow, Shorto, Smalley, Smith, Svantesson, Thomas, Zhou, Zide, Schmidt, Forrest, Hodgson, Norman, Solnit, Bauer, Lapolla, Pulleyblank, Schuessler, French, Hashimoto, Haudricourt, Miller, Lee, Tian, Driem, Blust, Donegan, Baxter, Singh, Thach, Starosta, Wang,
Author "Benedict" is cited by 92 authors
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Alieva, Alves, Aumann, Bauer, Bauman, Beckwith, Benedict, Blust, Bodman, Bradley, Bui, Burling, Burton, Carr, Chappell, Chen, Chhangte, Coblin, Cook, Delancey, Dempsey, Denwood, Devi, Diffloth, Diller, Edmondson, Ferlus, Gandour, Gedney, Gregerson, Handel, Hargreaves, Hartmann, Haudricourt, Hayes, Henderson, Herring, Hill, Hogan, Kato, Keng-fong, Kepping, King, Kosaka, Kumar, La, Lehman, Li, Luo, Matisoff, Mazaudon, Meizhen, Moral, Morey, Mortensen, Nagano, Neukom, Oey, Opgenort, Orathai, Peiros, Peterson, Phillips, Phu, Pulleyblank, Ratliff, Rempt, Ross, Sagart, Sarep, Saxena, Schiller, Schuessler, Schulze, Sharma, Simon, Smith, Solnit, Sprigg, Strecker, Sun, Suriya, Theraphan, Thompson, Thoudam, Thurgood, Vanbik, Vuong, Watters, Weera, Weidert, Yang,