Report on "benedict1996interphyla". Click to look up all papers by
DJVU PDF Benedict, P.K. 1996, "Interphyla flow in Southeast Asia", in The Fourth International Symposium on Language and Linguistics, Thailand, pp. 1579-1590. Institute of Language and Culture for Rural Development, Mahidol University. cite.
Paper "benedict1996interphyla" cites 11 papers
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- STATS Benedict, P.K. 1984, "Austro-Thai parallel -- a tonal Chamic language on Hainan", in Computational Analyses of Asian and African Languages, vol. 22, pp. 83-6. cite.
- STATS Benedict, P.K. 1972, "The Sino-Tibetan tonal system", in {\fr <Langues et techniques, nature et société>, ed. J. Barrau and . al., pp. 25-34. Klincksieck. cite.
- STATS Benedict, P.K. 1976, "Early Chinese borrowings", in In: Genetic relationship, diffusion and typological similarities of East and Southeast Asian languages: papers for the 1st Japan-US Joint Seminar on East & Southeast Asian linguistics, pp. 60-100. The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. cite.
- STATS Benedict, P.K. 1979, "Vocalic transfer: a Southeast Asian areal feature", in Acta Orientalia, vol. 40, pp. 229-52. cite.
- STATS Benedict, P.K. xxxx, "Japanese / Austro-Tai", cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Benedict, P.K. 1990, "How to tell Lai: an exercise in classification", in Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 1-26. cite.
- STATS Benedict, P.K. 0000, "Austroasiatic loanwords in Sino-Tibetan", in Papers from the Helsingør symposium on Austroasiatic linguistics and literature, ed. J.-O. Svantesson, Scandinavian Institute for Asian Studies/Curzon. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Benedict, P.K. 1991, "Austric: an 'extinct' proto-language", in Austroasiatic Languages, Essays in honour of H. L. Shorto, ed. J.H.C.S. Davidson, pp. 7-12. School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. cite.
- STATS . , "", cite.
- STATS . , "", cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Starosta, S. 1996, "The position of Saaroa in the grammatical subgrouping of Formosan languages", in The Fourth International Symposium on Language and Linguistics, Thailand, pp. 944-966. Institute of Language and Culture for Rural Development, Mahidol University. cite.
Author "Benedict" cites 64 authors
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Benedict, Downer, Huffman, Maspero, Thompson, Egerod, Bauman, Bodman, Bradley, Das, Delancey, Kepping, Lehman, Li, Lorrain, Matisoff, Michailovsky, Serruys, Thurgood, Weidert, Marrison, Bonifacy, Chang, Shafer, Benjamin, Delcros, Diffloth, Ferlus, Headley, Henderson, Jenner, Lindell, Luce, Pinnow, Shorto, Smalley, Smith, Svantesson, Thomas, Zhou, Zide, Schmidt, Forrest, Hodgson, Norman, Solnit, Bauer, Lapolla, Pulleyblank, Schuessler, French, Hashimoto, Haudricourt, Miller, Lee, Tian, Driem, Blust, Donegan, Baxter, Singh, Thach, Starosta, Wang,
Author "Benedict" is cited by 92 authors
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Alieva, Alves, Aumann, Bauer, Bauman, Beckwith, Benedict, Blust, Bodman, Bradley, Bui, Burling, Burton, Carr, Chappell, Chen, Chhangte, Coblin, Cook, Delancey, Dempsey, Denwood, Devi, Diffloth, Diller, Edmondson, Ferlus, Gandour, Gedney, Gregerson, Handel, Hargreaves, Hartmann, Haudricourt, Hayes, Henderson, Herring, Hill, Hogan, Kato, Keng-fong, Kepping, King, Kosaka, Kumar, La, Lehman, Li, Luo, Matisoff, Mazaudon, Meizhen, Moral, Morey, Mortensen, Nagano, Neukom, Oey, Opgenort, Orathai, Peiros, Peterson, Phillips, Phu, Pulleyblank, Ratliff, Rempt, Ross, Sagart, Sarep, Saxena, Schiller, Schuessler, Schulze, Sharma, Simon, Smith, Solnit, Sprigg, Strecker, Sun, Suriya, Theraphan, Thompson, Thoudam, Thurgood, Vanbik, Vuong, Watters, Weera, Weidert, Yang,