Report on "bybee1994evolution". Click to look up all papers by
Bybee, J.,R.P. and Pagliuca, W. 1994, "The Evolution of Grammar: Tense, Aspect, and Modality in the Languages of the World", University of Chicago Press. cite.
Paper "bybee1994evolution" is cited by 6 papers
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- STATS DJVU PDF De haan, F. 1997, "Khmer and the theory of modality", in Papers in Southeast Asian Linguistics No. 16, ed. M. Clark, vol. 16, pp. 47-66. Pacific Linguistics, the Australian National University. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Finney, J.C. 1999, "General diachronic course of proto-Austronesian casemarkers--prepositions and topic markers: sources of Austronesian casemarkers", in Papers from the ninth annual meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, ed. G.W. Thurgood, pp. 1-25. Program for Southeast Asia Studies, Arizona State University. cite.
- STATS PDF Howard, K.M. 1996, "Meaning and use of Thai 'laew'", in Papers from the sixth annual meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, 1996, ed. K.L. Adams and T.J. Hudak, pp. 233-247. Arizona State University Program for Southeast Asian Studies, Monograph Series Press. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Kavitskaya, D. 1997, "Tense and aspect in Lai Chin", in Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 173-213. cite.
- STATS PDF Meepoe, A. 1996, "Imperfective markings in Thai: an analysis of 'kamlang' and 'yuu' in natural spoken discourse", in Papers from the sixth annual meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, 1996, ed. K.L. Adams and T.J. Hudak, pp. 283-297. Arizona State University Program for Southeast Asian Studies, Monograph Series Press. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Ziegeler, D. 1996, "Grammatical implicatures in Singaporean English", in The Fourth International Symposium on Language and Linguistics, Thailand, pp. 1499-1512. Institute of Language and Culture for Rural Development, Mahidol University. cite.
Author "Bybee" is cited by 8 authors
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Dehaan, Finney, Howard, Kansakar, Kavitskaya, Meepoe, Rempt, Ziegeler,