Report on "cooke1980thai". Click to look up all papers by
Cooke, J.R. 1980, "The Thai Khlong Poem: Description and Examples", in Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 100, no. 4, pp. 421--437. American Oriental Society. cite.
Paper "cooke1980thai" is cited by 4 papers
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- STATS DJVU PDF Chitakasem, M. 1987, "Thai poetry: problems of translation", in Lai Su Thai, Essays in Honour of E.H.S. Simmonds, ed. J.H.C.S. Davidson, pp. 73-97. School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Cooke, J.R. 1989, "Personal Bibliography", in Papers in Southeast Asian Linguistics No.12, Thai Sentence Particles and Other Topics, vol. 12, pp. 175-175. Pacific Linguistics, the Australian National University. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Hartmann, J.F. 1992, "Tai Dam poetics and Proto-Tai tone categories", in Papers on Tai languages, Linguistics, and Literatures, ed. C.J. Compton and J.F. Hartmann, pp. 262-277. Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Northern Illinois University. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Hudak, T.J. 2001, "Limericks and rhyme in Thai", in Essays in Tai Linguistics, ed. M.R. Kalaya Tingsabadh and A.S. Abramson, pp. 41-50. Chulalongkorn University Press. cite.
Author "Cooke" cites 16 authors
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Amara, Brown, Terd, Haas, Henderson, Noss, Panninee, Chao, Cooke, Palmer, Nisa, Matisoff, Abramson, Vichin, Peyasantiwong, Patcharin,
Author "Cooke" is cited by 14 authors
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Adams, Chitakasem, Chodchoey, Compton, Cooke, Diller, Gething, Hartmann, Hudak, Ingkaphirom, Kato, Person, Phillips, Yuphaphann,