Report on "delancey1989contour". Click to look up all papers by
DJVU PDF Delancey, S. 1989, "Contour tones from lost syllables in Central Tibetan", in Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 33-34. cite.
Paper "delancey1989contour" cites 2 papers
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- STATS Goldstein, M.C. 1984, "English--Tibetan dictionary of modern Tibetan", pp. 600 pp.. University of California Press. cite.
- STATS Mazaudon, M. and Michailovsky, B. 1989, "Lost syllables and tonal contour in Dzongkha", in Prosodic analysis and Asian linguistics: to honour R.K. Sprigg. Canberra, A.C.T, ed. D. Bradley et al., pp. 115-136. Dept. of Linguistics, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University. cite.
Author "Delancey" cites 31 authors
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Barnard, Bauman, Benedict, Das, Dixon, Jin, Kepping, Michailovsky, Morse, Shafer, Watters, Bradley, Burling, Delancey, Kwanten, Laufer, Lu, Nishida, Sun, Diehl, Matisoff, Naylor, Pulleyblank, Simon, Stern, Thurgood, Weidert, Goldstein, Mazaudon, La, Genetti,
Author "Delancey" is cited by 34 authors
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Beckwith, Benedict, Bickel, Chhangte, Chirkova, Deepadung, Delancey, Ebert, Genetti, Haller, Hargreaves, Hasler, Hogan, Huang, Huber, Iwasaki, Jacquesson, Kansakar, Kim, King, La, Lahaussois, Neukom, Noonan, Park, Peterson, Phillips, Rempt, Sarep, Saxena, Soe, Thurgood, Tournadre, Watters,