Report on "dryer1996mon". Click to look up all papers by
PDF Dryer, M.S. 1996, "Mon Khmer word order from a crosslinguistic perspective", in Papers from the sixth annual meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, 1996, ed. K.L. Adams and T.J. Hudak, pp. 83-99. Arizona State University Program for Southeast Asian Studies, Monograph Series Press. cite.
Paper "dryer1996mon" cites 14 papers
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- STATS Bauer, C 1982, "Morphology and syntax of spoken Mon", PhD thesis, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Costello, N. 1969, "The Katu noun phrase", in The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, vol. 3, pp. 21-35. cite.
- STATS Dryer, M.S. 1992, "The Greenbergian Word Order Correlations", in Language, vol. 68, no. 1, pp. 81--138. Linguistic Society of America. cite.
- STATS Jacob, J.M. 1968, "Introduction to Cambodian", pp. xii, 341 pp.. Oxford University Press. cite.
- STATS Keller, C. 1976, "A grammatical sketch of Brao, a Mon-Khmer language", pp. vii, 111 pp.. Summer Institute of Linguistics/University of North Dakota. cite.
- STATS Manley, T.M. xxxx, "Outline of Sre structure", cite.
- STATS Miller, V.G. 1976, "An overview of Stieng grammar,", cite.
- STATS Milne, M..L. 1921, "An elementary Palaung grammar...With an introduction by C. O. Blagden,", Clarendon Press,. cite.
- STATS Nagaraja, K.S. 1985, "Khasi -- A Descriptive Analysis", cite.
- STATS Rabel, L.E. 1961, "Khasi: A language of Assam", in Louisiana State University Press, pp. xxi+249. cite.
- STATS Smalley, W.A. 1962, "Outline of Khmu' structure", essay 2), New Haven, American Oriental Society,. cite.
- STATS Smith, K.D. 1979, "Sedang grammar: phonological and syntactic structure (PL B.50),", ANU,. cite.
- STATS Thomas, D.D. 1971, "Chrau grammar (Oceanic Linguistics spec. pub. 7),", U. Hawaii Press,. cite.
- STATS Thompson, L.C. 1965, "A Vietnamese grammar,", U. Washington Press,. cite.
Author "Dryer" cites 14 authors
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Bauer, Costello, Dryer, Jacob, Keller, Manley, Miller, Milne, Nagaraja, Rabel, Smalley, Smith, Thomas, Thompson,
Author "Dryer" is cited by 6 authors
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Dryer, Hongladarom, La, Noonan, Peterson, Zide,