Report on "edmondson1992change". Click to look up all papers by
DJVU PDF Edmondson, J.A. 1992, "Change and variation in Zhuang", in Papers from the Second Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, 1992, ed. K.L. Adams and T.J. Hudak, pp. 147-185. Arizona State University Program for Southeast Asian Studies. cite.
Paper "edmondson1992change" cites 25 papers
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- STATS DJVU PDF Brown, J.M. 1975, "The great tone split: did it work in two opposite ways?", in Studies in Tai Linguistics in Honor of William J. Gedney, ed. J.G. Harris and J.R. Chamberlain, pp. 33-48. Central Institute of English Language. cite.
- STATS Day, A.C 1966, "The syntax of Tho, a Tai language of Vietnam", PhD thesis, University of London. cite.
- STATS Dodd, W.C. 1923, "The Tai race: elder brother of the Chinese", The Torch Press. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Edmondson, J.A. 1992, "Some Kadai languages of northern Guangxi, China", in The Third International Symposium on Language and Linguistics, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 28-43. Chulalongkorn University. cite.
- STATS Edmondson, J.A. and Solnit, D.B. xxxx, "*Comparative Kadai: the Tai branch", cite.
- STATS Gedney, W.J. 1972, "A checklist for determining tones in Tai dialects", in Studies in linguistics in honor of George L. Trager, ed. M.E. Smith, pp. 423-37. Mouton. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Gedney, W.J. 1989, "Future directions in comparative Tai linguistics", in Selected Papers on Comparative Tai Studies, ed. R.J. Bickner et al., pp. 7-116. Center for South and Southeast Asian studies, the University of Michigan. cite.
- STATS Gedney, W.J. 1991, "The Yay language: glossary, texts, and translations", pp. xxxvii, 757 pp., ill.. Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies, University of Michigan. cite.
- STATS Gedney, W.J. 1991, "The Tai dialect of Lungming: glossary, texts, and translations", pp. x.ii, 1189 pp., maps. Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies, University of Michigan. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Gohain, A.K. 1992, "The Tai language as spoken by the Tai-Phakaes", in The Third International Symposium on Language and Linguistics, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 44-59. Chulalongkorn University. cite.
- STATS Haudricourt, A.-G. 1960, "Note sur les dialectes de la région de Moncay (Vietnam du Nord)", in Bulletin de l'Ecôle Française d'Extrême-Orient, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 161-77. cite.
- STATS Haudricourt, A.-G. 1961, "Bipartition et tripartition des systèms de tons dans quelques langues d'Extrême-Orient", in Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris, vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 163-80. cite.
- STATS . , "", cite.
- STATS Li Fang-Kuei. 1940, "Lung chou t'uyü", in (AS/IHP mono., Series A, no. 16)., cite.
- STATS Li Fang-Kuei. 1943, "The hypothesis of a pre-glottalized series of consonants in primitive Tai", in AS/BIHP, no. 11, pp. 177-88. cite.
- STATS Li Fang-Kuei. 1944, "Ku t'aiyü housaiyin chi housaiyin shêngmu taiyü Paoai shêngtiaohsit'ung chih ying hsiang", in Bull. Chin. Stud. 4:59-67., cite.
- STATS Li Fang-Kuei. 1956, "The Tai dialect of Wu-ming,", translations, and glossary (AS/IHP Monogr., Ser. A, 19), Taipei,. cite.
- STATS Li Fang-Kuei. 1957, "The Jui dialect of Po-ai: phonology", in AS/BIHP, pp. 551-6. cite.
- STATS Li Fang-Kuei. 1960, "A tentative classification of Tai dialects", in Culture in history: essays in honor of Paul Radin,, ed. .., Stanley Diamond, New York, Columbia U. Press (for Brandeis U.):951-8.. cite.
- STATS . , "", cite.
- STATS Lunet de lajonquière, E.E. 1906, "Ethnographie du Tonkin septentrional,", Ernest Leroux,. cite.
- STATS Saul, J.E.,N.F.W.,.D.T. 1980, "Nung grammar (SIL Pub. in Ling. 62),", TX, SIL and U. of Texas,. cite.
- STATS Savina, F.M. 1910, "Dictionnaire tày-annamite-français,", Hanoi, Imprimerie d'Extrême-Orient,. cite.
- STATS Savina, F.M. 1924, "Dictionnaire étymologique français-nùng-chinois,", Imprimerie de la Société des Missions Etrangères,. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Strecker, D. 1985, "The classification of the Caolan languages", in Southeast Asian Linguistic Studies Presented to André-G. Haudricourt, ed. S. Ratanakul et al., pp. 479-492. Institute of Language and Culture for Rural Development, Mahidol University. cite.
Author "Edmondson" cites 61 authors
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Benedict, Bonifacy, Chang, Edmondson, Haudricourt, Moskalev, Strecker, Thurgood, Brown, Day, Dodd, Gedney, Gohain, Xxx, Li, Lunetdelajonquière, Saul, Savina, San, Yip, Abramson, Ballard, Henderson, {hombert, Matisoff, Shi, Wang, Dell, Duanmu, Hu, Huffman, Ma, Scott, Rose, Starostin, Wiersma, Diffloth, Gage, Headley, Abadie, Bradley, Dantsuji, Xu, Blust, Schachter, Baxter, Gregerson, Grimes, Wilaiwan, Long, Maspero, Nguyê͂n, Nguyen, Noss, Phu, Rhodes, Wulff, Zhao, Ostapirat, Harris, Pike,
Author "Edmondson" is cited by 17 authors
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Diller, Edmondson, Gregerson, Isara, Lahaussois, Luo, Migliazza, Morey, Mortensen, Nguyen, Nicolson, Norquest, Pelkey, Snyder, Somsonge, Suwilai, Watters,