Report on "gedney1989spectrum". Click to look up all papers by
DJVU PDF Gedney, W.J. 1989, "A spectrum of phonological features in Tai", in Selected Papers on Comparative Tai Studies, ed. R.J. Bickner et al., pp. 165-190. Center for South and Southeast Asian studies, the University of Michigan. cite.
Paper "gedney1989spectrum" is cited by 5 papers
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- STATS DJVU PDF Gedney, W.J. 1989, "Evidence for another series of voiced initials in Proto-Tai", in Selected Papers on Comparative Tai Studies, ed. R.J. Bickner et al., pp. 229-270. Center for South and Southeast Asian studies, the University of Michigan. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Hartmann, J.F. 1986, "Style, scope, and rigor in comparative Tai research", in A Conference on Thai Studies In Honor of William J. Gedney, ed. R.J. Bickner et al., Ann Arbor, Michigan, pp. 171-184. Center for South and Southeast Asian studies, the University of Michigan. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Matisoff, J.A. 1992, "Sangkong of Yunnan: secondary 'verb pronominalization' in Southern Loloish", in Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 123-142. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Strecker, D. 1979, "A preliminary typology of tone shapes and tonal sound changes in Tai: the La-n N-a A-tones", in Studies in Tai and Mon-Khmer Phonetics and Phonology In Honour of Eugénie J.A. Henderson, ed. T.L. Thongkum et al., pp. 171-240. Chulalongkorn University Press. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Weera, O. 2000, "Proto-Kra", in Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 1-251. cite.
Author "Gedney" cites 42 authors
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Brown, Egerod, Gedney, Haas, Li, Minot, Donaldson, Savina, Diguet, Degeorge, Benedict, Burnay, Chinese, Esquirol, Haudricourt, Wulff, Borua, Barua, Downer, Fraisse, Guignard, Jones, Laos, Xxx, Macey, Maspero, Reinhorn, Saul, Serdiuchenko, Wang, Chamberlain, Dodd, Harris, Cushing, Kerr, Wenk, Jacob, Pou, Pulleyblank, Diller, Krairiksh, Vickery,
Author "Gedney" is cited by 49 authors
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Apiluck, Bauer, Brown, Chamberlain, Cherdchai, Compton, Court, Damanhuri, Dhananjayananda, Diller, Doi, Downer, Edmondson, Erickson, Gandour, Gedney, Gregerson, Hartmann, Hoonchamlong, Hudak, Huffman, Kosaka, Luo, Matisoff, Morey, Nicolson, Norquest, Patcharin, Pranee, Preecha, Pulleyblank, Puttachart, Rischel, Ross, Ruengdet, Sarawit, Seree, Siri-aksornsat, Strecker, Svantesson, Tingsabadh, Tumtavitikul, Vickery, Vuong, Wanna, Weera, Wilaiwan, Yang, Yuphaphann,