Report on "gething1979two". Click to look up all papers by
DJVU PDF Gething, T.W. 1979, "Two Types of Semantic Contrast Between Thai and Lao", in Papers in Southeast Asian Linguistics No.6, Tai Studies in Honor of William J. Gedney, ed. T.W. Gething and N.D. Liem, vol. 6, pp. 37-44. Pacific Linguistics, the Australian National University. cite.
Paper "gething1979two" is cited by 1 papers
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- STATS DJVU PDF Gething, T.W. 1986, "The Thai language as a map of Thai culture", in A Conference on Thai Studies In Honor of William J. Gedney, ed. R.J. Bickner et al., Ann Arbor, Michigan, pp. 143-148. Center for South and Southeast Asian studies, the University of Michigan. cite.
Author "Gething" cites 2 authors
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Cooke, Gething,
Author "Gething" is cited by 12 authors
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Bauer, Compton, Diller, Erickson, Gething, Hartmann, Luo, Preecha, Rischel, Schiffman, Strecker, Yuphaphann,