Report on "headley1998cham". Click to look up all papers by
DJVU PDF Headley, R.K.Jr. 1998, "Cham evidence for Khmer sound changes", in Papers in Southeast Asian Linguistics No. 15: Further Chamic Studies, ed. D. Thomas, vol. 15, pp. 21-29. Pacific Linguistics, the Australian National University. cite.
Paper "headley1998cham" cites 8 papers
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- STATS DJVU PDF Ferlus, M. 1992, "Essai de phonétique historique du khmer", in The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, vol. 21, pp. 57-89. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Huffman, F.E. 1976, "The Register Problem in Fifteen Mon-Khmer Languages", in Austroasiatic Studies, ed. P.N. Jenner et al., Honolulu, pp. 575-590. The University Press of Hawaii. cite.
- STATS Jenner, P.N 1969, "Affixation in modern Khmer", PhD thesis, University of Hawaii. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Jenner, P.N. 1976, "The Relative Dating of Some Khmer CPA'PA*", in Austroasiatic Studies, ed. P.N. Jenner et al., Honolulu, pp. 693-710. The University Press of Hawaii. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Jenner, P. and Pou, S. 1980-1981, "A lexicon of Khmer morphology", in The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, vol. 9-10, pp. 1-517. cite.
- STATS Lewitz, S. 1967, "La toponymie khmère", in Bulletin de l’École Française d’Extrême-Orient, pp. 375-451. cite.
- STATS Maddieson, I. and Pang, K.-F. 1993, "Tone in Utsat", in Tonality in Austronesian languages, ed. J.A.E.K.J. Gregerson, pp. 75-89. Univ. of Hawaii Press. cite.
- STATS . , "", cite.
Author "Headley" cites 25 authors
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Baradat, Benjamin, Carey, Diffloth, Ferlus, Haudricourt, Headley, Huffman, Lee, Martin, Mitani, Morizon, Shorto, Smalley, Smith, Thomas, Thompson, Blood, Friberg, Gregerson, Moussay, Jenner, Lewitz, Maddieson, Vickery,
Author "Headley" is cited by 25 authors
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Adams, Alieva, Anderson, Benedict, Dhananjayananda, Diffloth, Edmondson, Ferlus, Gage, Hayes, Headley, Huffman, Isara, Jenner, Karavi, Phal, Ploykaew, Pornsawan, Schiller, Sunee, Suwilai, Theraphan, Thurgood, Vickery, Wayland,