Report on "hill2005once". Click to look up all papers by
DJVU PDF Hill, N.W. 2005, "Once more on the letter /v/ ,", in Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 107-137. cite.
Paper "hill2005once" cites 24 papers
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- STATS Benedict, P.K. 1972, "The Sino-Tibetan tonal system", in {\fr <Langues et techniques, nature et société>, ed. J. Barrau and . al., pp. 25-34. Klincksieck. cite.
- STATS Beyer, S.V. 1992, "The Classical Tibetan language", pp. xxiv, 503 p. State Univ. of New York Press. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Coblin, W.S. 2002, "On certain functions of <i>'a-chung</i> in early Tibetan transcriptional texts", in Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 169-184. cite.
- STATS Denwood, P. 1999, "Tibetan", pp. xix, 372 p. Benjamins. cite.
- STATS Dragunov, A.A.(A.A.). 1939, "Osobennosti fonologischeskoi sistemy drevnetibetskogo iazyka", in Zapisti instituta vostokovedeniia Akad. Nauk SSSR, vol. 7, pp. 284-95. cite.
- STATS Driem, G.V. 1990, "The fall and rise of the phoneme r in Eastern Kiranti: sound change in Tibeto-Burman", in Bulletin of the School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London, vol. 53, no. 1, cite.
- STATS Lapolla, R.J. 2003, "A grammar of Qiang : with annotated texts and glossary / With Chénglóng Huáng", pp. xvii, 445. Mouton de Gruyter. cite.
- STATS Laufer, B. 1914, "Bird divination among the Tibetans", in TP, ser. 2, 15:1-110., cite.
- STATS Ligeti, L.(L.). 1961, "Trois notes sur l'écriture 'phags-pa", in AOH 13:201-37; Russian summary, Suppl. 8-9., cite.
- STATS Matisoff, J.A. 1975, "Rhinoglottophilia: the mysterious connection between nasality and glottality", in Nasálfest,, ed. L.M.H., C. A. Ferguson and .., J. J. Ohala, Stanford:265-87.. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Michailovsky, B. 1975, "A case of rhinoglottophilia in Hayu", in Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 293-293. cite.
- STATS Miller, R.A. 1955, "Studies in Spoken Tibetan, I: Phonemics", in Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 75, no. 1, pp. 46--51. American Oriental Society. cite.
- STATS Miller, R.A. 1955, "Notes on the Lhasa dialect of the early ninth century", in Oriens : Milletlerarası Șark Tetkikleri Cemiyeti Mecmuası = Journal of the International Society for Oriental Research = Journal de la Société internationale d’Études Orientales = Zeitschrift der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Orientforschung, no. 8, pp. 284-91. cite.
- STATS Miller, R.A. 1966, "Early Evidence for Vowel Harmony in Tibetan", in Language, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 252--277. Linguistic Society of America. cite.
- STATS Miller, R.A. 1968, "", in MS, no. 27, pp. 390-435. cite.
- STATS Róna-Tas, A. 1966, "Tibeto-Mongolica: the Tibetan loanwords of Monguor and the development of the archaic Tibetan dialects (Indo-Iranian monogr. 7),", Mouton,. cite.
- STATS Rona-Tas, A. 1992, "Reconstructing old Tibetan", in Tibetan studies: proceedings of the 5th seminar of the International Association, ed. S. Ihara and Z. Yamaguchi, pp. 697-703. Naritasan Shinshoji. cite.
- STATS . , "", cite.
- STATS Simmons, R.V.N. 1999, "Chinese dialect classification : a comparative approach to Harngjou, Old Jintarn, and Common Northern Wu", pp. xviii, 317 p. Benjamins. cite.
- STATS Sprigg, R.K. 1968, "The role of R in the development of the modern spoken Tibetan dialects", in Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, pp. 301-11. cite.
- STATS Taube, M. 1978, "Zu einigen Texten der tibetischen brda-gsar-rñiṅ-Literatur", in ABJS, pp. 169-201. cite.
- STATS Ulving, T. 1972, "Tibetan vowel harmony re-examined", in T’oung pao : International journal of Chinese studies = revue internationale de sinologie, no. 58, pp. 203-17. cite.
- STATS Uray Géza. 1955, "On the Tibetan letters ba and wa - contribution to the origin and history of the Tibetan alphabet", in AOH 5:101-22, 2 plates., cite.
- STATS Zhang, L.S 1987, "The consonant system of Middle-Old Tibetan and the tonogenesis of Tibetan", PhD thesis, Univ. of California at Berkeley. cite.
Author "Hill" cites 21 authors
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Benedict, Beyer, Coblin, Denwood, Dragunov, Driem, Lapolla, Laufer, Ligeti, Matisoff, Michailovsky, Miller, Róna-tas, Rona-tas, Siklos, Simmons, Sprigg, Taube, Ulving, Uray, Zhang,