Report on "hla1985two". Click to look up all papers by
DJVU PDF Hla, N.P. 1985, "Two recently discovered Mon inscriptions of Aniruddha", in Southeast Asian Linguistic Studies Presented to André-G. Haudricourt, ed. S. Ratanakul et al., pp. 203-216. Institute of Language and Culture for Rural Development, Mahidol University. cite.
Paper "hla1985two" cites 6 papers
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- STATS Griswold, A.B. 1971, "An inscription in old Mon from Wiang Mano in Chieng Mai Province: epigraphic and historical studies, no.6; No.7: The inscription of Vat Traban Jan Phoak; No.8: The inscription of Vat Jan Lom (1384 A.D.) in pt.1 (Jan 1971): 189-208", in Journal of the Siam Society, vol. 59, no. 1, cite.
- STATS Halliday, R. 1922, "A Mon--English dictionary", pp. xxx, 512, 7 pp.. Siam Society. cite.
- STATS DJVU Luce, G.H. 1970, "Old Burma - Early Pagan (Artibus Asiae Suppl. 25),", in 3 vols., Locust Valley, NY, J. J. Augustin., cite.
- STATS DJVU Luce, G.H. 1975, "Pali and Old Mon ink glosses in Pagan temples", in JBRS, no. 58, pp. 119-280. cite.
- STATS Shorto, H.L. 1962, "A dictionary of modern spoken Mon,", Oxford U. Press,. cite.
- STATS Shorto, H.L. 1971, "A dictionary of the Mon inscriptions,", in from the sixth to the sixteenth centuries, incorporating materials collected by the late C. O. Blagden (London Oriental series, 24), London, Oxford U. Press, xli, 406p., cite.
Author "Hla" cites 7 authors
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Griswold, Halliday, Luce, Shorto, Duroiselle, Hla, Judson,
Author "Hla" is cited by 6 authors
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Barz, Bauer, Dempsey, Hla, Sujaritlak, Suriya,