Report on "hogan1998austronesian". Click to look up all papers by
DJVU PDF Hogan, L.C. 1998, "Austronesian roots and Sino-Tibetan: some lexical correspondences", in Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 111-221. cite.
Paper "hogan1998austronesian" cites 60 papers
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- STATS DJVU PDF Solnit, D.B. 1988, "On the apparent labio-velar nasals of Kam", in Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 166-172. cite.
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- STATS Tsuchida, K. xxxx, "Reconstruction of Proto-Tsouic phonology", cite.
- STATS Weidert, A. 1987, "Tibeto-Burman tonology : a comparative account", pp. xviii, 512 p. Benjamins. cite.
Author "Hogan" cites 65 authors
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Benedict, Blust, Dyen, Sagart, Ballard, Beyer, Bloomfield, Chang, Chen, {chen, Gandour, Goldstein, Hari, Hombert, Matisoff, Michailovsky, Miller, Norman, Wang, Yip, Binnick, Buck, {de, Chophel, Coblin, Das, Hogan, Inaba, Mattos, Norbu, Róna-tas, Thomas, Wolfenden, Bauer, Baxter, Bodman, Bradley, Delancey, Diffloth, Downer, Egerod, Hale, Halim, Haudricourt, La, Mahdi, Mcginn, Mei, Pulleyblank, Reid, Schuessler, Sebeok, Shafer, Siklos, Solnit, Starosta, Thurgood, Xxx, Tsuchida, Weidert, Bacot, Emmerick, Hannah, Tan, Uray,
Author "Hogan" is cited by 7 authors
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Alves, Blust, Capell, Hogan, Larish, Naw, Nawanit,