Report on "jacq2002orientation". Click to look up all papers by
DJVU PDF Jacq, P. and Sidwell, P. 2007, "Orientation origins: the source of Jru' cardinals", in SEALS XII Papers from the 12th Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society 2002, ed. R. Wayland et al., Canberra, Australia, pp. 101-106. Pacific Linguistics, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, The Australian National University. cite.
Paper "jacq2002orientation" cites 9 papers
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- STATS Ferlus, M. 1998, "Nhaheun-French-English lexicon / Ed. and annot. by Pascale Jacq Paul J. Sidwell", pp. v, 140 p. LINCOM Europa. cite.
- STATS Fraisse, A. 1951, "Les villages du Plateau des Bolovens", in <Bulletin de la Société des Etudes Indo-chinoises> n.s., vol. 26, pp. 52-72. cite.
- STATS Jacq, P. and Sidwell, P.J. 1999, "Loven (Jruq) consolidated lexicon", pp. xvi, 128 p. LINCOM Europa. cite.
- STATS Jacq, P. and Sidwell, P.J. 2000, "A comparative West Bahnaric dictionary", pp. 230 p. LINCOM Europa. cite.
- STATS Jacq, P. and Sidwell, P.J. 1999, "Sapuan (Sǝpuar)", pp. 62 p. LINCOM Europa. cite.
- STATS Pou, S. xxxx, "Dictionnaire vieuxkhmer-Fran cais-Anglais = An old Khmer- French-English dictionary = Vacan anukram Khmaer c as- P ar a m n-Qa nles", cite.
- STATS Thomas, D. and Srichampa, S. 1995, "Some languages of Siam by Phraya Prachakij-karacak", pp. 316 p. Mahidol Univ., Inst. of Language and Culture for Rural Development. cite.
- STATS Sidwell, P.J. 2000, "Proto South Bahnaric : a reconstruction of a Mon-Khmer language of Indo-China", pp. x, 225 p. Australian National Univ., Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies. cite.
- STATS Wall, B. 1975, "Les Nya Hön: étude ethnographique d'une population du plateau des Bolovens (sud-Laos),", in Paris, Mémoire E.P.H.E. 6, ronéotypé, 290p., notation, vocab., biblio., cite.
Author "Jacq" cites 17 authors
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Ferlus, Fraisse, Jacq, Pou, Thomas, Sidwell, Wall, Blood, Lyman, Matisoff, Michailovsky, Smith, Li, Miller, Rischel, Smalley, Prasert,
Author "Jacq" is cited by 2 authors
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Jacq, Sidwell,