Report on "lehman1996relative". Click to look up all papers by
DJVU PDF Lehman, F.K. 1996, "Relative clauses in Lai Chin and with special reference to verb stem alternation and the extension of control theory", in Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 43-58. cite.
Paper "lehman1996relative" cites 2 papers
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- STATS PDF Bedell, G. 1996, "Passives and clefts in Lai", in Papers from the sixth annual meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, 1996, ed. K.L. Adams and T.J. Hudak, pp. 15-31. Arizona State University Program for Southeast Asian Studies, Monograph Series Press. cite.
- STATS PDF Lehman, F.K. 1996, "Problems for an account of Mizo (and Lai Chin) case marking in minimalist syntax", in Papers from the sixth annual meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, 1996, ed. K.L. Adams and T.J. Hudak, pp. 269-281. Arizona State University Program for Southeast Asian Studies, Monograph Series Press. cite.
Paper "lehman1996relative" is cited by 9 papers
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- STATS . , "", cite.
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- STATS DJVU PDF Bedell, G. 2001, "The syntax of deixis in Lai", in Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 157-171. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Hartmann, H. 2000, "The Daai pronouns and pronomial agreement system: alternate sets and focus", in The Fifth International Symposium on Languages and Linguistics, Hochiminh City, pp. 136-151. Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City University of Social Sciences and Humanities. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Hartmann, H. 2001, "Function of <i>naak/na</i> in Daai Chin with examples from other Chin languages", in Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 143-156. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Hartmann, H. 2002, "Verb stem alternation in Daai Chin", in Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 81-97. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Lehman, F.K.(C.H.). 1999, "Minimalist inquiries, Larson shell VP, and object agreement, with remarks on ergativity and unergative 'transitive' clauses in Lai Chin", in Papers from the ninth annual meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, ed. G.W. Thurgood, pp. 91-102. Program for Southeast Asia Studies, Arizona State University. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Hlaing), F.K.L.(C. and Hlun, C. 2007, "On the so-called abstract nominaliser naak in Lai (Hakha) Chin with remarks upon its other fuctions in Chin languages and its etymology", in SEALS XII Papers from the 12th Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society 2002, ed. R. Wayland et al., Canberra, Australia, pp. 107-111. Pacific Linguistics, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, The Australian National University. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Lehman, F.K. and Ceu, H. 2003, "The proper syntax of case and the determiner phrase (DP) in Lai Chin", in Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 23-32. cite.
Author "Lehman" cites 19 authors
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Benedict, Jordan, Nishi, Nishida, Becker, Lehman, Pingkarawat, Okell, Placzek, Zwicky, {zwicky, Aoun, Bedell, {keenan, Wechsler, Hay-neave, Hartmann, Hlun, Hyman,
Author "Lehman" is cited by 13 authors
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Barz, Beckwith, Bedell, Benedict, Chhangte, Deepadung, Dempsey, Hartmann, Hlun, Lehman, Pacioni, Starosta, Watters,