Report on "lyovin1992nominal". Click to look up all papers by
DJVU PDF Lyovin, A. 1992, "Nominal honorific compounds in Tibetan", in The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, vol. 20, pp. 45-56. cite.
Paper "lyovin1992nominal" cites 6 papers
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- STATS Bell, C.A. xxxx, "Grammar of colloquial Tibetan", cite.
- STATS Bell, C.A. 1965, "English--Tibetan colloquial dictionary", pp. xxvi, 562 pp.. West Bengal Government Press. cite.
- STATS Erbaugh, M.S. 1986, "Taking stock: the development of Chinese noun classifiers historically and in young children", in Noun classes and categorization, ed. C. Craig, pp. 399-436. Benjamins. cite.
- STATS Goldstein, M.C. and Kashi, T.D. 1973, "Modern literary Tibetan", pp. xvii, 352 pp.. University of Illinois ??. cite.
- STATS Laufer, B. 1916, "Loan words in Tibetan", in TP, ser. 2, 17:403-552., cite.
- STATS Wylie, T.V. 1959, "A standard system of Tibetan transcription", in Harvard journal of Asiatic studies, no. 22, pp. 261-7. cite.
Author "Lyovin" cites 5 authors
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Bell, Erbaugh, Goldstein, Laufer, Wylie,