Report on "nagano1994note". Click to look up all papers by
DJVU PDF Nagano, S. 1994, "A note on the Tibetan kinship terms <i>khu</i> and <i>zhang</i>", in Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 103-115. cite.
Paper "nagano1994note" cites 7 papers
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- STATS Bacot, J. and Thomas, F.W.T.,G.C. 1946, "Documents de Touen-houang relatifs à l'histoire du Tibet", pp. 206 pp.. P. Geuthner. cite.
- STATS Benedict, P.K. 1942, "Chinese and Tibetan kinship terms", in Harvard Journal of Asiatic studies, vol. 6, pp. 313-37. cite.
- STATS Benedict, P.K. 1972, "The Sino-Tibetan tonal system", in {\fr <Langues et techniques, nature et société>, ed. J. Barrau and . al., pp. 25-34. Klincksieck. cite.
- STATS Das, S.C. 1975, "Tibetan-Sanskrit dictionary", no. 3rd ed., Motilal Banarsidass. cite.
- STATS Nagano, Y 1983, "A historical study of the rGyarong verb system,", PhD thesis, . cite.
- STATS Richardson, H.E. 1952, "Ancient historical edicts at Lhasa and the Mu Tsung Khri Gtsung Lde Brtsan treaty of A. D. 821-822 from the inscription at Lhasa", in (RAS Prize publ. fund, v. 19), London, 86p., cite.
- STATS Schmidt, I.J.(S.,.I.). 1841, "Tibetisch-deutsches Wörterbuch,", St. Petersburg,. cite.
Author "Nagano" cites 11 authors
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Bacot, Benedict, Das, Nagano, Richardson, Schmidt, Bauman, Chang, Snellgrove, Takeuchi, Tournadre,
Author "Nagano" is cited by 9 authors
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Bauer, Bradley, Chirkova, Ebert, Lapolla, Nagano, Rempt, Sun, Watters,