Report on "okell1981review". Click to look up all papers by
DJVU PDF Okell, J. 1981, "Review of Denise Bernot and <i>Dictionnaire birman-français</i>", in Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 89-103. cite.
Paper "okell1981review" cites 9 papers
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- STATS Becker, A.L. 1975, "A linguistic image of nature: the Burmese numerative classifier system", in Sociolinguistics in Southeast Asia, ed. J. Rubin, pp. 109-21. cite.
- STATS Cornyn, W.S. and Musgrave, J.K. 1958, "Burmese glossary", pp. 209 pp.. American Council of Learned Societies. cite.
- STATS Ignatenko, B.A.(B.A.'.). 1961, "Karmannyi birmansko--russkii slovar'", pp. 382 pp.. Gos. izd-vo inostrannykh i natsionl'nykh slovarei. cite.
- STATS Judson, A. 1893, "Burmese--English dictionary", Baptist Board of Publications. cite.
- STATS Novikov, N.N.,G.F.M., and U Kyaw Zaw. 1976, "Birmansko-russkii slovar': okolo 29000 sloe; s prolozheniem Kratkogo ocherka grammatiki birmanskogo iazyka", Russkii iazyk,. cite.
- STATS Okell, J. 1968, "Alphabetical order in Burmese", in JBRS, pp. 145-71. cite.
- STATS Okell, J. 1969, "A reference grammar of colloquial Burmese (London oriental ser.),", in London, Oxford U. Press, xviii, 482p., 2 vols., cite.
- STATS Okell, J. 1971, "A guide to the romanisation of Burmese (James G. Forlong Fund publications 27),", Luzac,. cite.
- STATS Stewart, J.A. and Dunn, C.W. xxxx, "A Burmese-English dictionary", cite.
Author "Okell" cites 35 authors
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Allott, Ballard, Cornyn, Judson, Matisoff, Minnlatt, Okell, Stewart, Becker, Ignatenko, Novikov, Bernot, Chen, Buchanan, Forbes, Grierson, Houghton, Scott, Taylor, Burma, Bradley, Davidson, Egerod, Johnston, Jones, Latter, Leyden, Low, Luce, Ono, Pe, Shafer, Robins, Sprigg, Towers,
Author "Okell" is cited by 16 authors
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Beckwith, Bradley, Dempsey, Goral, Herring, Jenny, Lehman, Matisoff, Neukom, Okell, Ratliff, Rischel, Sarep, Thein-tun, Vanbik, Wheatley,