Report on "park1994grammaticalized". Click to look up all papers by
DJVU PDF Park, I. 1994, "Grammaticalized verbs in Hayu", in Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 99-123. cite.
Paper "park1994grammaticalized" cites 10 papers
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- STATS Delancey, S 1980, "Deictic categories in the Tibeto-Burman verb", PhD thesis, Indiana University. cite.
- STATS Delancey, S. 1991, "The origins of verb serialization in modern Tibetan", in Studies in Language, vol. 15, no. 1, cite.
- STATS Matisoff, J.A. 1969, "Verb concatenation in Lahu: the syntax and semantics of 'simple' juxtaposition", in Acta linguistica Hungarica : an international journal of linguistics, pp. 69-120. cite.
- STATS Matisoff, J.A. 1972, "Lahu nominalization, relativization, and genitivization", in Syntax and semantics (Studies in language series),, ed. .., John Kimball, New York, Seminar Press, Vol. I:237-57.. cite.
- STATS Matisoff, J.A. 1973, "The grammar of Lahu (U. Calif. Pub. in Ling. 75),", CA, U. California Press,. cite.
- STATS Matisoff, J.A. 1991, "Areal and universal dimensions of grammatization in Lahu", in Approaches to grammaticalization. Volume 2: Focus on types of grammatical markers, ed. E.C. Traugott and B. Heine, pp. 383-453. John Benjamins. cite.
- STATS Michailovsky, B., and Martine Mazaudon. 1973, "Notes on the Hayu language", in Kailash, pp. 135-52. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Michailovsky, B. 1974, "Hayu typology and verbal morphology", in Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1-26. cite.
- STATS Michailovsky, B. 1988, "La langue hayu", pp. 234 p. C.N.R.S.. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Smeall, C. 1975, "Grammaticalized verbs in Lolo-Burmese", in Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 273-287. cite.
Author "Park" cites 4 authors
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Delancey, Matisoff, Michailovsky, Smeall,