Report on "schmidt1906die". Click to look up all papers by
Schmidt, W.. 1906, "Die Mon-Khmer-Völker, ein Bindeglied zwischen Völkern Zentralasiens und Austronesiens", in Archiv fur Anthropologie 33, pp. 59-109. cite.
Paper "schmidt1906die" is cited by 17 papers
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- STATS DJVU PDF Alieva, N.F. 2000, "Typological comparison of the Southeast Asian insular and peninsular languages: grammatical structures", in The Fifth International Symposium on Languages and Linguistics, Hochiminh City, pp. 3-58. Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City University of Social Sciences and Humanities. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Alves, M.J. 2000, "The current status of Vietnamese genetic linguistic studies", in The Fifth International Symposium on Languages and Linguistics, Hochiminh City, pp. 6-17. Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City University of Social Sciences and Humanities. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Alves, M. 2001, "Distributional properties of causative verbs in some Mon-Khmer languages", in The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, vol. 31, pp. 107-120. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Anderson, G.D.S. 2004, "Advances in Proto-Munda reconstruction", in The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, vol. 34, pp. 159-184. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Bauer, C. 1988, "Khmer nasal affixes: Old Mon borrowing or Proto-Mon-Khmer retentions?", in The International Symposium on Language and Linguistics, ed. C. Bamroongraks et al., Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 248-257. Thammasat University. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Benedict, P.K. 1991, "Austric: an 'extinct' proto-language", in Austroasiatic Languages, Essays in honour of H. L. Shorto, ed. J.H.C.S. Davidson, pp. 7-12. School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. cite.
- STATS . , "", cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Diller, A. 1998, "The Tai language family and the comparative method", in The International Conference on Tai Studies, ed. S. Burusphat, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 1-32. Institute of Language and Culture for Rural Development, Mahidol University. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Haudricourt, A.G. 1966, "The limits and connections of Austroasiatic in the Northeast", in Studies in Comparative Austroasiatic Linguistics, ed. N.H. Zide, pp. 44-56. Mouton & Co.. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Hayes, L.V.H. 1992, "On the track of Austric: part I", in The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, vol. 21, pp. 143-177. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Hayes, L.V.H. 1997, "On the track of Austric part II. Consonant mutation in early Austroasiatic", in The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, vol. 27, pp. 13-41. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Hayes, L.V.H. 1999, "On the track of Austric part III. basic vocabulary comparison", in The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, vol. 29, pp. 1-34. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Jenner, P. 1992, "A note on lexical replacement in Khmer", in The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, vol. 21, pp. 179-184. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Matisoff, J.A. 1996, "Contact-induced change, genetic relationship, and scales of comparison", in The Fourth International Symposium on Language and Linguistics, Thailand, pp. 1591-1612. Institute of Language and Culture for Rural Development, Mahidol University. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Pinnow, H.-J. 1966, "A comparative study of the verb in the Munda languages", in Studies in Comparative Austroasiatic Linguistics, ed. N.H. Zide, pp. 96-193. Mouton & Co.. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Sidwell, P. 2007, "The Mon-Khmer substrate in Chamic: Chamic, Bahnaric and Katuic contact", in SEALS XII Papers from the 12th Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society 2002, ed. R. Wayland et al., Canberra, Australia, pp. 113-128. Pacific Linguistics, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, The Australian National University. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Sidwell, P. 2005, "Proto-Katuic phonology and the sub-grouping of Mon-Khmer languages", in SEALS XV Papers from the 15th Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society 2003, ed. P. Sidwell, pp. 193-204. Pacific Linguistics, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, The Australian National University. cite.
Author "Schmidt" cites 4 authors
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Burusphat, Hatton, Nitaya, Kanchana,
Author "Schmidt" is cited by 28 authors
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Alieva, Alves, Anderson, Bauer, Benedict, Bishop, Blust, Burenhult, Chen, Diffloth, Diller, Gregerson, Hajek, Haudricourt, Hayes, Howard, Huffman, Jenner, Matisoff, Morse, Nagano, Paulsen, Phu, Pinnow, Proschan, Seam, Sidwell, Thomas,