Report on "starosta1991sora". Click to look up all papers by
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Paper "starosta1991sora" cites 16 papers
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- STATS Ballard, W.L. 1979, "Chinese: a bastard at the Sino-Tibetan family reunion?", cite.
- STATS Biligiri, H.S. 1965, "The Sora Verb: A Restricted Study", in G. B. Milner ed., vol. 15, pp. 231-250. cite.
- STATS Clark, M. 1978, "Coverbs and case in Vietnamese", pp. 215 pp.. Australian National University. cite.
- STATS Huffman, F.E., Promchan, C. and Lambert, C.-R.T. 1970, "Modern spoken Cambodian", pp. xiv, 451 pp.. Yale University Press. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Jenner, P. and Pou, S. 1980-1981, "A lexicon of Khmer morphology", in The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, vol. 9-10, pp. 1-517. cite.
- STATS Ramamurthi, G.V. 1931, "A Manual of the So:ra: (or Savara) Language", in Madras. (Contains four sections: Phonetics, no. es, cite.
- STATS Ramamurti, G.V. 1933, "English-Sora dictionary,", cite.
- STATS Ramamurti, G.V. 1938, "Sora-English dictionary,", Superintendent, Gov't Press,. cite.
- STATS Stampe, D.L. 1963, "Proto-Sora-Parengi Phonology", in Mimeo. M. A. Thesis, cite.
- STATS Stampe, D.L. 1965, "On the Sora noun", in Chicago, ms., cite.
- STATS Starosta, S.. 1967, "Sora syntax: a generative approach to a Munda Language", in University of Wisconsin Ph.D. Thesis Dissertation, cite.
- STATS Starosta, S.. 1971, "Derivation and Case in Sora Verbs", in Indian Linguistics, Journal of Linguistic Society of India, Pune., vol. 32.3, pp. 194-206. cite.
- STATS Starosta, S. 1974, "Causative Verbs in Formosan Languages", in Oceanic Linguistics, vol. 13, no. 1/2, pp. 279--369. University of Hawai'i Press. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Starosta, S. 1976, "Case Forms and Case Relations in Sora", in Austroasiatic Studies, ed. P.N. Jenner et al., Honolulu, pp. 1069-1108. The University Press of Hawaii. cite.
- STATS Thompson, L.C. 1965, "A Vietnamese grammar,", U. Washington Press,. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Zide, A.R.K. 1976, "Nominal Combining Forms in Sora and Gorum", in Austroasiatic Studies, ed. P.N. Jenner et al., Honolulu, pp. 1259-1294. The University Press of Hawaii. cite.
Author "Starosta" cites 32 authors
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Ballard, Biligiri, Clark, Huffman, Jenner, Ramamurthi, Ramamurti, Stampe, Starosta, Thompson, Zide, Blust, Egerod, Li, Mei, Savetamalya, Tsuchida, Wolff, Anceaux, Harvey, Reid, Ross, Tryon, Indrambarya, Pranee, Lehman, Vichin, Prasithrathsint, Schiller, Thepkanjana, Udom, Warotamasikkhadit,
Author "Starosta" is cited by 16 authors
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Alieva, Anderson, Benedict, Clark, Finney, Hogan, Honta, Kitima, Nguyen, Sak-humphry, Savetamalya, Shkarban, Starosta, Tangco, Warotamasikkhadit, Zide,