Report on "strecker1982proto". Click to look up all papers by
DJVU PDF Strecker, D. 1982, "Proto-Tai vowels revisited: a comparison and critique of the work of Sarawit and Li", in Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 33-74. cite.
Paper "strecker1982proto" cites 15 papers
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- STATS Benedict, P.K. 1975, "Austro-Thai: language and culture, with a glossary of roots", pp. xxiv, 490 pp., map. Human Relations Area Files Press. cite.
- STATS Benedict, P.K. 1979, "Vocalic transfer: a Southeast Asian areal feature", in Acta Orientalia, vol. 40, pp. 229-52. cite.
- STATS Brown, J.M. 1965, "From ancient Thai to modern dialects", pp. ix, 180 pp.. Social Science Association Press of Thailand. cite.
- STATS Sciences, C.A.. 1959, "Pu-yi-yü t'iao-ch'a pao-kao", Institute of racial minorities and languages, Chinese Academy of Sciences. cite.
- STATS Cushing, J.N. 1914, "A Shan and English dictionary", no. 2nd ed., American Baptist Mission Press. cite.
- STATS Freiberger, N.E. and Be, V.T. 1976, "sec mahn slủ Hohng Fan Slihng>", pp. xix, 353 pp.. Summer Institute of Linguistics. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Gedney, W.J. 1972, "A Puzzle in Comparative Tai Phonology", in A Conference on Tai Phonetics and Phonology, ed. J.G. Harris and R.B. Noss, pp. 52-57. Mahidol University. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Gedney, W.J. 1989, "Evidence for another series of voiced initials in Proto-Tai", in Selected Papers on Comparative Tai Studies, ed. R.J. Bickner et al., pp. 229-270. Center for South and Southeast Asian studies, the University of Michigan. cite.
- STATS Hartmann, J.F.(J.F.). 1976, "The waxing and waning of vowel length in Tai dialects", in Tai linguistics in honor of Fang-kuei Li, ed. T.W. Gething et al., pp. 142-59. Chulalongkorn University Press. cite.
- STATS . , "", cite.
- STATS Li, F.-K. 1956, "Siamese wan and waan", in Language, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 81--82. Linguistic Society of America. cite.
- STATS . , "", cite.
- STATS Moskalev, A.A. 1970, "Predvaritel'nye zamechaniia po fonologii govora Tian'ba", in VMFF, pp. 260-7. cite.
- STATS Sarawit, M.E.S 1973, "The Proto-Tai vowel system,", PhD thesis, . cite.
- STATS Ting, V.K. 1929, "Notes on the language of the Chuang in N. Kuangsi", in BMFEA, no. 1, pp. 61-4. cite.
Paper "strecker1982proto" is cited by 2 papers
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- STATS DJVU PDF Diller, A. 1998, "The Tai language family and the comparative method", in The International Conference on Tai Studies, ed. S. Burusphat, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 1-32. Institute of Language and Culture for Rural Development, Mahidol University. cite.
- STATS PDF Erickson, B. 1996, "On the origins of labialized consonants in Lao", in Papers from the sixth annual meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, 1996, ed. K.L. Adams and T.J. Hudak, pp. 135-148. Arizona State University Program for Southeast Asian Studies, Monograph Series Press. cite.
Author "Strecker" cites 66 authors
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Abramson, Bigg-wither, Bradley, Brown, Chaband, Chamberlain, Vichintana, Chinese, Compton, Court, Cushing, Davis, Day, Soulangdejvongsa, Diguet, Donaldson, Egerod, Erickson, Esquirol, Fippinger, Gandour, Gedney, Gething, Guignard, Haas, Harris, Hartmann, Haudricourt, Henderson, Huebner, Jones, Narumon, Kerr, Wilaiwan, Li, Luksaneeyanawin, Matisoff, Minot, Noss, Pantupong, Pulleyblank, Purnell, Roffe, Sarawit, Savina, Simmonds, Tingsabadh, Wang, Seree, Benedict, Freiberger, Karlgren, Moskalev, Ting, Huffman, Mills, Owensby, Ratliff, Solnit, Bonifacy, Chang, Lombard, Mao, Sagart, Wong, Xiong,
Author "Strecker" is cited by 18 authors
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Aumann, Diller, Edmondson, Erickson, Gregerson, Hartmann, Kosaka, Luo, Macken, Morey, Mortensen, Nicolson, Puttachart, Ratliff, Rischel, Ross, Savetamalya, Wilaiwan,