Report on "sun1986notes". Click to look up all papers by
DJVU PDF Sun, H. 1986, "Notes on Tibeto-Burman consonant clusters", in Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 1-21. cite.
Paper "sun1986notes" cites 1 papers
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- STATS Jones, R.B.,Jr. 1961, "Karen linguistic studies", pp. xii, 283 pp.. University of California Press. cite.
Paper "sun1986notes" is cited by 3 papers
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- STATS DJVU PDF Delancey, S. 1989, "Tibetan evidence for Nungish metathesis", in Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 25-31. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Sun, H. 1987, "A brief account of my research work and with an appended bibliography", in Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 117-125. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Sun, H. 1989, "A preliminary investigation into the relationship between Qiong Long and the languages of the Qiang branch of Tibeto-Burman", in Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 92-109. cite.
Author "Sun" cites 49 authors
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Jones, Sun, Hodgson, Migot, Nichols, Rangan, Shafer, Smith, Wang, Benedict, Bodman, Bor, Burling, Campbell, Chakravarty, Diffloth, Egerod, Forrest, French, Hale, La, Li, Lindell, Lorrain, Mainwaring, Marrison, Matisoff, Nagano, Nishida, Sanyal, Sastry, Simon, Thomas, Thurgood, Weidert, Wolfenden, North-east, Davies, Anon, Johnston, Terriendelacouperie, Laufer, Morse, Plewman, Pulu, Rosthorn, Tayeng, Yuan, Acharya,
Author "Sun" is cited by 16 authors
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Bauer, Bradley, Chen, Chirkova, Cook, Delancey, Jacquesson, Krisadawan, La, Lin, Matisoff, Pelkey, Sakamoto, Simpson, Sun, Thurgood,