Report on "thompson1968vietnam". Click to look up all papers by
Thompson, L.C., and David D. Thomas. 1968, "Vietnam", in CTL, no. 2, pp. 815-46. cite.
Paper "thompson1968vietnam" is cited by 1 papers
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- STATS DJVU PDF Thompson, L.C. 1984-85, "A Vietnamese grammar", in The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, vol. 13-14, pp. 1-367. cite.
Author "Thompson" cites 42 authors
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Ferlus, Gregerson, Thompson, Andreev, Benedict, Bui, Bulteau, Bystrov, Cadiere, Cadi`ere, Cordier, Cuisinier, Day, Rhodes, Donaldson, Durand, Efimova, Embree, Emeneau, Ferkinghoff, Gage, Glebova, Gordina, Gouin, Grammont, Maspero, Haudricourt, Honey, Jackson, Jones, Lê, Li, Ly, Martini, Miller, Mkhitarian, Przyluski, Spencer, Stankevich, Thomas, Trủỏngvănky, Wells,
Author "Thompson" is cited by 33 authors
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Adams, Alves, Benedict, Blood, Cao, Chen, Chiung, Clark, Diffloth, Dryer, Ferlus, Goral, Hayes, Headley, Jacob, Kosaka, La, Mcclive, Migliazza, Nguyen, Paulsen, Peiros, Pham, Phong, Rasolofo, Sakamoto, Smith, Sophana, Starosta, Thompson, Vovin, Vu, Wexler,