Report on "vanderhaak1990kui". Click to look up all papers by
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Paper "vanderhaak1990kui" cites 9 papers
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- STATS . , "", cite.
- STATS Oranuch Sa-Ard 1984, "Phrases to sentences in Kuay (Surin)", Master thesis, Mahidol University. cite.
- STATS Pailin Yantreesingh 1980, "The phonology of the Kuay language of Suphanburi with comparison to the Kuy language of Surin", Master thesis, Mahidol University. cite.
- STATS Prasert Srivises. 1978, "Kui (Suai)-Thai-English dictionary,", in edited by Jerry W. Gainey and Theraphan L. Thongkum, Bangkok, Indigenous Languages of Thai-land Research Project, Chulalongkorn U., Language Institute, 434p. (dictionary), 18p. (addenda), 13p. (Thai index), 23p. (English index)., cite.
- STATS Seidenfaden, E. 1952, "The Kui people of Cambodia and Siam", in Journal of the Siam Society, vol. 39, no. 2, cite.
- STATS Seidenfaden, E. 1967, "The Thai peoples,", Bangkok, The Siam Society,. cite.
- STATS Smalley, W.A. 1964, "Ethnolinguistic survey of Northern Khmer-speaking people in Northeast Thailand (with data on Kuy),", cite.
- STATS Smalley, W.A. 1976, "Bases for popular writing systems", in POLT, pp. 25-42. cite.
- STATS Haak, F... 1987, "Calling the Spirits an observation of its practice among the Kui in Thailand", in The Journal of the Siam Society, vol. 75, cite.
Paper "vanderhaak1990kui" is cited by 3 papers
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- STATS DJVU PDF Migliazza, B.L. 1992, "Lexicostatistic analysis of some Katuic languages", in The Third International Symposium on Language and Linguistics, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 1320-1325. Chulalongkorn University. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Migliazza, B. 2003, "So stories: a preliminary analysis of texts in a Mon-Khmer language", in The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, vol. 33, pp. 67-158. cite.
- STATS . , "", cite.
Author "Vanderhaak" cites 7 authors
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Xxx, Oranuch, Pailin, Prasert, Seidenfaden, Smalley, Haak,
Author "Vanderhaak" is cited by 2 authors
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Migliazza, Miller,