Report on "vickery1976review". Click to look up all papers by
Vickery, M. 1976, "Review article: Jeremias van Vliet, The short history of the kings of Siam, trans. by Leonard Andaya...Bangkok, 1975", in Journal of the Siam Society, vol. 64, no. 2, cite.
Paper "vickery1976review" is cited by 1 papers
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- STATS DJVU PDF Vickery, M. 1991, "Piltdown skull: installment 2", in The Ram Khamhaeng Controversy, ed. J.R. Chamberlain, pp. 333-418. The Siam Society. cite.
Author "Vickery" cites 22 authors
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Bauer, Brown, Chamberlain, Diffloth, Diller, Gedney, Headley, Henderson, Huffman, Jacob, Lewitz, Li, Matisoff, Shorto, Vickery, Kasetsiri, Woodward, Bradley, Jones, Hartmann, Burnay, Finot,
Author "Vickery" is cited by 8 authors
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Chamberlain, Diller, Gedney, Gosling, Headley, Oconnor, Pirya, Vickery,