Report on "wanna1992classification". Click to look up all papers by
DJVU PDF Wanna Tienmee. 1992, "Classification by tone shapes and patterns of tonal splits and coalescences [Thai dialects of Thailand]", in The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, vol. 21, pp. 229-236. cite.
Paper "wanna1992classification" cites 11 papers
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- STATS Brown, J.M. 1965, "From ancient Thai to modern dialects", pp. ix, 180 pp.. Social Science Association Press of Thailand. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Chamberlain, J.R. 1975, "A new look at the history and classification of the Tai languages", in Studies in Tai Linguistics in Honor of William J. Gedney, ed. J.G. Harris and J.R. Chamberlain, pp. 49-66. Central Institute of English Language. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Egerod, S. 1972, "Tones of Phuket and Ko Samui: a Correction", in A Conference on Tai Phonetics and Phonology, ed. J.G. Harris and R.B. Noss, pp. 50-51. Mahidol University. cite.
- STATS Gedney, W.J. 1972, "A checklist for determining tones in Tai dialects", in Studies in linguistics in honor of George L. Trager, ed. M.E. Smith, pp. 423-37. Mouton. cite.
- STATS Haas, M.R. 1958, "The tones of four Tai dialects", in Academia Sinica/Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, vol. 29, pp. 817-26. cite.
- STATS Hartmann, J.F. 1980, "A model for the alignment of dialects in Southwestern Tai", in The Journal of the Siam Society, vol. 68, no. 1, cite.
- STATS Henderson, E.J.A. 1959, "The tones of the Tai dialect of Songkhla", in Academia Sinica/Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, vol. 30, pp. 233-5. cite.
- STATS Vichintana Chantavibulya. 1959, "The phonology of the syllable in Songkhla, a southern Thai dialect,", cite.
- STATS Vichin Panupong. 1983, "Word geography in Nakhon Ratchasima", in PICL 13(Tokyo)., cite.
- STATS Wanna Pudhitanakul. 1979, "A tonal comparison of dialects in Nakhon Ratchasima Province,", in Thailand, M. Phil. thesis, U. London., cite.
- STATS Tingsabadh, K 1980, "A phonological study of the Thai language of Suphanburi Province", PhD thesis, University College, University of London. cite.
Author "Wanna" cites 11 authors
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Brown, Chamberlain, Egerod, Gedney, Haas, Hartmann, Henderson, Vichintana, Vichin, Wanna, Kalaya,
Author "Wanna" is cited by 2 authors
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Tingsabadh, Wanna,