Report on "wulff1934chinesisch". Click to look up all papers by
Wulff, K. 1934, "Chinesisch und Tai. Sprachvergleichende Untersuchungen", Hist.-filol. Meddelelser 20.3), Copenhagen, Levin and Munksgaard,. cite.
Paper "wulff1934chinesisch" is cited by 11 papers
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- STATS DJVU PDF Diller, A. 1998, "The Tai language family and the comparative method", in The International Conference on Tai Studies, ed. S. Burusphat, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 1-32. Institute of Language and Culture for Rural Development, Mahidol University. cite.
- STATS . , "", cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Gedney, W.J. 1989, "Evidence for another series of voiced initials in Proto-Tai", in Selected Papers on Comparative Tai Studies, ed. R.J. Bickner et al., pp. 229-270. Center for South and Southeast Asian studies, the University of Michigan. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Gedney, W.J. 1989, "On the Thai evidence for Austro-Tai", in Selected Papers on Comparative Tai Studies, ed. R.J. Bickner et al., pp. 117-164. Center for South and Southeast Asian studies, the University of Michigan. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Hartmann, J.F. 1986, "Style, scope, and rigor in comparative Tai research", in A Conference on Thai Studies In Honor of William J. Gedney, ed. R.J. Bickner et al., Ann Arbor, Michigan, pp. 171-184. Center for South and Southeast Asian studies, the University of Michigan. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Haudricourt, A.G. 1966, "The limits and connections of Austroasiatic in the Northeast", in Studies in Comparative Austroasiatic Linguistics, ed. N.H. Zide, pp. 44-56. Mouton & Co.. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Li, F.-K. 1966, "The relationship between tones and initials in Tai", in Studies in Comparative Austroasiatic Linguistics, ed. N.H. Zide, pp. 82-88. Mouton & Co.. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Luo Yongxian. 1997, "Expanding the Proto-Tai Lexicon–a Supplement to Li (1977)", in The Mon-Khmer Studies Journal, vol. 27, pp. 271-298. cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Matisoff, J.A. 1996, "Contact-induced change, genetic relationship, and scales of comparison", in The Fourth International Symposium on Language and Linguistics, Thailand, pp. 1591-1612. Institute of Language and Culture for Rural Development, Mahidol University. cite.
- STATS . , "", cite.
- STATS DJVU PDF Weera, O. 2000, "Proto-Kra", in Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 1-251. cite.
Author "Wulff" is cited by 10 authors
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Diller, Edmondson, Gedney, Hartmann, Haudricourt, Li, Luo, Matisoff, Rischel, Weera,