Report on "zide1999three". Click to look up all papers by
DJVU PDF Zide, N. 1999, "Three Munda scripts", in Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 199-232. cite.
Paper "zide1999three" cites 10 papers
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- STATS Bodding, P.O. 1923, "Materials for a Santali grammar (Part 1: mostly phonetic, 1923; Part 2: mostly morphological, 1929)", pp. iv, 336 pp.. Santal Mission of the Northern Churches. cite.
- STATS Burrows, L. 1915, "Ho Grammar (with vocabulary)", in pp. 194, cite.
- STATS Deeney, J. 1975, "Ho Grammar and Vocabulary", in Chaibasa, cite.
- STATS Deeney, J.J.,S.J. 1978, "Ho--English dictionary", pp. 376 pp.. Xavier Ho Publications. cite.
- STATS Mahapatra, B.P. and Mahapatra, R.. 1978, "Santal Script and Texts", in Presented at SICAAL, cite.
- STATS Mahapatra, K. 1978, "SoraN SompeN- The Sora Script", cite.
- STATS Pinnow, H.-J. 1972, "Schrift und sprache in den Werken Lako Bodras im Gebiet der Ho von Singbhum (Bihar)", in Anthropos 67, pp. 822-857. cite.
- STATS Smalley, W.A., Vang, C.K. and Yang, G.Y. xxxx, "Mother of writing: the origin and development of a Hmong messianic script / Mitt Moua, project translator", cite.
- STATS Zide, N.H. 1967, "The Santali Ol cemet Script", cite.
- STATS Zide, N.H. 1968, "Graphemic system in the 0Z Cemet script", in PCLS, no. 4, pp. 238-54. cite.
Author "Zide" cites 27 authors
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Drake, Zide, Bhattacharya, Biligiri, Bodding, Deeney, Fernandez, Girard, Hoffmann, Malhotra, Matson, Munda, Pinnow, Vidyarthij, Aze, Banker, Carey, Costello, Das, Dryer, Hook, Mahapatra, Ramamurthi, Starosta, Wallace, Burrows, Smalley,
Author "Zide" is cited by 16 authors
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Anderson, Bauman, Benedict, Diffloth, Glover, Hayes, Jacob, Luo, Neukom, Osada, Peiros, Pinnow, Proschan, Sidwell, Starosta, Zide,