Articles about Andamanese (6 articles)

DJVU Luce, G.H. undated, ""Pronominal particles in Andamanese" typescript", in Luce Collection, MS 6574-7, pp. 068. National Library of Australia. cite.

DJVU Luce, G.H. undated, ""Andamanese" draft essay/lecture", in Luce Collection, MS 6574-7, pp. 069a-b. National Library of Australia. cite.

DJVU Luce, G.H. undated, "Comparative lexicon: Andamanese - Semang - Malay - Khmer - Nicobarese - Sakai", in Luce Collection, MS 6574-7, pp. 070a-c. National Library of Australia. cite.

DJVU Luce, G.H. undated, ""Blagden's Notes" Andamanese - Mon-Khmer comparisons", in Luce Collection, MS 6574-7, pp. 070d. National Library of Australia. cite.

DJVU Luce, G.H. undated, ""Notes on the languages of the Andaman Islanders" typescript", in Luce Collection, MS 6574-7, pp. 071a-073b. National Library of Australia. cite.

DJVU PDF Yadav, Y. 1985, "Great Andamanese: a preliminary study", in Papers in Southeast Asian Linguistics No.9, ed. D. Bradley, vol. 9, pp. 185-214. Pacific Linguistics, the Australian National University. cite.